
Well-Known Member
Hi all I am just doing a check in case I have missed something.

I have a 2003 TD4 half face lift. I think the fuel filter is in the rear wheel arch - is that correct or is it hiding somewhere else? I would pull the wheel arch cover off but it's pouring with rain and I haven't got a new one yet so would like to be armed with a new one the do the job once.
Listen for the fuel pump buzz when you first turn ignition key - mine runs for nearly exactly 60 seconds. My fule pump/filter is just in front of offside rear arch.
Filter is next to the fuel pump.
Ive changed 3 this year since owning my car for various reasons. Found the easiest way to change filter was to take the entire fuel pump assembley out. All fairly easy.
all the best
Hi all,
OK, stupid question but I have an '02 Td4 and have a fuel filter in the engine bay behind the battery; is there another in the rear location mentioned in the above posts?
Did a service on my wife's 2006 TD4 today and I have to say that replacing the rear-arch mounted filter the most difficult job of the lot. Replaced the engine coolant, IRD oil, gearbox oil and brake-fluid without problems but that damm filter really had me cussing! Getting the pump & filter assembly off is ok but getting the old filter out was a pain, when I could see it wasn't going to pull or push out I slipped a socket over the (in) end and bashed it out. As the new one slots in quite easily I am guessing it is the earth tag dragging on the casing that makes it so tight????:confused:
I'm sure it won't take half as long next time as I will know what to expect.

Doing the rest of the 6/12 month jobs Novermber when they are due, did these jobs early as I wanted to have a warmer/dryer day than I will probably get then!:)

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