cashybai said:
Just oot of interest, there has been a problem with Sony TV's catching fire due to defective on/off switches.There was a big recall of certain models....:p
Maybe,but that does not apply to every one they make.Sony have just had 7 million laptop batteries recalled as well,must be a lot of computer nerds out there with no juice for their lappies.
mondo said:
Oh at last!! :rolleyes:

Or dunt this apply to land Rovers;)
Not forgetting of course that Sony at least admit that there is a problem with their products,unlike Land Rover, who have constantly denied that the Freelander is a faulty,badly designed car.They should at least have the decency to admit their failings.
flyboy2 said:
Ah well,at least I unloaded the bucket of crap onto a Freelander goon.......back to decent motors....Cherokees,Wranglers,etc

Now there's a marque with a flawless reputation!:rolleyes: :D
Taipan said:
Now there's a marque with a flawless reputation!:rolleyes: :D
A totally unfair reputation I might add.Most problems with these cars are indeed the fault of the idiots that drive them.I would assume that you are referring to the codswallop about the back axle,which is almost always because the owner or garage do not change the oil regularly.I have owned a Cherokee for almost 4 years and can honestly say that the car has been 100% reliable.I also know several people with these cars and they will say the same,which says a lot for good old American engineering.By the way,what motors were pulling Land rovers and Range rovers out of the desert when the y were breaking down in the Gulf war......Ask the BBC or ITN.:D
flyboy2 said:
A totally unfair reputation I might add.Most problems with these cars are indeed the fault of the idiots that drive them.I would assume that you are referring to the codswallop about the back axle,which is almost always because the owner or garage do not change the oil regularly.I have owned a Cherokee for almost 4 years and can honestly say that the car has been 100% reliable.I also know several people with these cars and they will say the same,which says a lot for good old American engineering.By the way,what motors were pulling Land rovers and Range rovers out of the desert when the y were breaking down in the Gulf war......Ask the BBC or ITN.:D

Errm, Toyotas usually...
flyboy2 said:
Ah well,at least I unloaded the bucket of crap onto a Freelander goon.......back to decent motors....Cherokees,Wranglers,etc

If your gonna start swearing you can **** right off.
flyboy2 said:
A totally unfair reputation I might add.Most problems with these cars are indeed the fault of the idiots that drive them..:D

Yep And thats from someone that owns one:D
First sensible comment from you...Keep digging:rolleyes:
mondo said:
Yep And thats from someone that owns one:D
First sensible comment from you...Keep digging:rolleyes:
Don't you like proper 4 wheel drives.At least Jeeps are genuine 4 wheel drives unlike some rubbish I can mention.
flyboy2 said:
Fraid not m8y,try something beginning with JEEP.:D:D:D:D:D:D

Yes, of course, Jeeps have been proven in the harshest of terrain. Silly me.

If you can provide pictures of this or a news cutting, my scepticism may be extinguished slightly.
ShotgunDrew said:
Yes, of course, Jeeps have been proven in the harshest of terrain. Silly me.

If you can provide pictures of this or a news cutting, my scepticism may be extinguished slightly.
Don't have to m8y,the BBC and ITN have already done this during the Gulf war.......plenty of proof there I would have thought,but then again they might be pulling everyones plonkers.Try looking on their respective websites and I am quite sure you will find what you are looking for after all it was their vehicles being towed out.;);)
I'm sure that was a wolf in the classic shot of Sadams palace doors going in!
The main problem with LRs in the gulf , or anywhere else seems to be the British Army underfunding squaddies equipment budget, something they are rectifying by paying them more to go into action armed only with a banana or some other fruit.
Anyway , i was in the pub the other night, guy i know ,but haven't seen for a while comes in. He runs a national company that hires out all types of 4x4 , and he says.... 'We've got over a hundred Frrelanders , not many 1.8s i siuspect, and they are a good truck!' They can't all be bad, there are some marques he won't stock.I don't think he has many Jeeps. He runs a FL commercial himself and thinks it fine.
crikey guys - I go away for a w/e and ww3 breaks out ;)

Freelanders - luvely cars - like most beautiful works of art - best viewed from a distance! ;)

mines a pint

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