
TD4 - Engine dying at junctions
My 2002 TD4 had been running very well, particularly during motorway driving at high speed. However, it has recently started fading on me and dying out when slowing down at junctions. It is then difficult to re-start, although it is turning over fine and the battery remains strong. Sometimes it will take about 20 attempts or 10-15 miniutes to re-start. A few times the amber engine malfunction light is illuminating just before the engine fades, other times it does not.

I have a Roverron synergy model fitted, and the problem never happened until I added a 'Miller Oil Deisel Power Sport 4' additive, which reduced the slight black smoke emmission I was having and seemed to boost the high speed performance.

Would appreciate your help as problem seems to be getting worse. Filled the tank without any additive last time and problem remains the same, in fact seems worse if anything.
Clutchdust, thanks for your reply. The engine revs fine in neutral right up to 4500 & above without any spluttering at all, but fades and dies on me when the revs are dropped down. Normally only the oil pressure light and battery light come on when engine has stopped.
Could point towards a clogged up fuel filter ???
Thanks Willo, I was thinking along the same line myself but could not understand why it was running so well at motorway speeds without any spluttering, only fading when the foot is taken off the accelerator to slow right down for junctions etc., if anything it feels like the engine is flooding.
--bad starting and poor running--
1st suspect =lack of fuel pressure or faulty or dirty injectors could be fuel pumps or fuel filter or fuel pressure sensor(connector ),or leaking injectors
(camshaft positon sensor needed for starting only )

i always go for the easy and least cost approach first,check the connectors to the fuel pressure sensor and injectors,it might be worth removing the synergy unit to eliminate it , unless you have a pieburge maf sensor fitted,check or replace all the vacuum pipes they perish and wear due to vibration
make sure your fuel filter is good, put a few ltrs (3 or 4) of rapeseed oil in a full tank, this will help your fuel pumps, if that dont work get 500ml of injector cleaner in the tank,

,,,, i had similar problem a few months ago, i checked everything it turned out to be dirty injector,,,, good luck
Changed fuel filter today, first run out, plenty of junctions, perfect so far. Let's hope that was the answer, thanks to all!

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