
My 2002 TD4 had been running very well, particularly during motorway driving at high speed. However, it has recently started fading on me and dying out when slowing down at junctions. It is then difficult to re-start, although it is turning over fine and the battery remains strong. Sometimes it will take about 20 attempts or 10-15 miniutes to re-start. A few times the amber engine malfunction light is illuminating just before the engine fades, other times it does not.

I have a Roverron synergy model fitted, and the problem never happened until I added a 'Miller Oil Deisel Power Sport 4' additive, which reduced the slight black smoke emmission I was having and seemed to boost the high speed performance.

Would appreciate your help as problem seems to be getting worse. Filled the tank without any additive last time and problem remains the same, in fact seems worse if anything.
Sounds to me like a low pressure fuel pump fault.

Deck the throttle in neutral, it should rev cleanly to the limiter, if it gets to about 3,500-4,000 rpm and coughs and farts with the MIL light on then the pump is faulty.
hahaha that was good one gaylander!!! yes it is the fuel pump fuel not getting thou enough. if spinning fast it pumps lot fuel but if low rev and it is spinning slowly too low or the fan inside the pump is not spinning at the right speed etc reducing fuel check the pump for wear or damage
My 2002 TD4 had been running very well, particularly during motorway driving at high speed. However, it has recently started fading on me and dying out when slowing down at junctions. It is then difficult to re-start, although it is turning over fine and the battery remains strong. Sometimes it will take about 20 attempts or 10-15 miniutes to re-start. A few times the amber engine malfunction light is illuminating just before the engine fades, other times it does not.

I have a Roverron synergy model fitted, and the problem never happened until I added a 'Miller Oil Deisel Power Sport 4' additive, which reduced the slight black smoke emmission I was having and seemed to boost the high speed performance.

Would appreciate your help as problem seems to be getting worse. Filled the tank without any additive last time and problem remains the same, in fact seems worse if anything.

Sounds like you poisoned your TD4 with that snake oil potion from Riggaz.

Unless you can find the antidote serum, you are in trouble.


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