
New Member
Hi, I've looked back 11 pages of threads, apologies if it is there somewhere..
My 2002 TD4 is taking a lot of turn overs to start, this is in contrast to its normal one turn and go. The only difference I can identify is that we are having warmer weather and it is heat absorbing black so is the fuel getting a vapour lock ? After about a dozen or more turns it starts and runs fine Is this an easy fix ?
Is it starting to take longer and longer to start?
Could be an injector on its way or possibly dirty contacts on your fuel rail pressure sensor.
Possibly other things but these two were the cause of mine taking ages to start on different occasions.
or crank / cam position sensor ?

generally injector if engine does it more when engine cold and can be bump started or easy start gets it running

sensor if does it more when engine hot
Hi Both,
thanks for the insights. I've just started in the evening cool and its started fine. If it starts OK in the morning from cold then it's starting to look like the sensors are suspect. Reading around it seems that the camshaft sensor is common to fail, if it is this one I can easily change that one. According to Haynes the crankshaft sensor seems a bit of a performance for automatics, removing battery shelf and starter motor then working underneath. Is this feasible for a basic DIYer ?
I have a set of injectors, a cam and crank sensor from a Freelander I am breaking :)

Actually have everything off the engine available, if you need it...
have you discovered the cause of the fault or a fix. Mine has a similar problem, 2006 TD4. It starts fine in the morning 7 am ish and again after stopping at the paper shop about 3/4 a mile run. After standing 7 hours in the car park at work it will start but splutters a bit and then stops and takes a couple of attemts to get it going. If stopped again with 5 to 10 mins the fault is still there but after 5 or six miles it restarts ok.
This only started happening when the weather got warm.
I have noticed that the glow plug light doesnt come on at all when the weather is warm.
Hi All a dose of Redex diesel fluid seems to have done the trick, the Freelander had been standing for three weeks so perhaps something had become gummed up. Anyway, fingers crossed, and thanks for all the advice and offers of help.

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