Hi all
With a little research I found this web URL. It really answers my previous thread and may be useful to others undertaking this mod. The link also covers helpful supporting information on the potential benefits benefits and a very good slideshow detailing the installation procedure.
Just wanted to mention that the BMW part number mentioned earlier in the thread -- B11.12.7.799.367 -- worked fine for my early 2002 Freelander TD4 (put it in yesterday). The local BMW dealer charged me 73 € for it though.
Kin hell that's well expensive :( They are a little some thing and nothing filter ! I reckon I would be tempted to try and wash it first :D
Jason I agree that that's well on the dear side. But two things -- one, it's a one-time only expense, and by all accounts it seems the thing to do; two, I'd seen somewhere that even though just the cyclone part was theoretically available for about 2/3 the cost if memory serves, it was well-advised to replace the entire unit and the price I saw for that was under but approaching what I paid. Besides, everything in France is way more expensive than it needs to in the first place. :mad:
Don't worry I'm not dissing you for buying it ! Some times you just have to bite the bullet as if you don't it will pressurize your engine and blow your seals !I know crazy prices !! Even the French have realised that everthing here is expensive and have started to buy abroad.
Not to worry mon ami, it wasn't taken that way. And as for the present case, yeah, I figured it was about time to make the change, period.
Kin hell that's well expensive :( They are a little some thing and nothing filter ! I reckon I would be tempted to try and wash it first :D

The fluffy cotton wool filter costs a couple of quid. I personally think the fluffy filter works better as a filter, even if it needs changing every oil change.
Now you tell me! Actually I'm driven by the concern that my engine won't pass smog limits of our local MOT, required bi-annually. It passed two years ago but not by a whole lot and feel I can't afford to overlook any possibility that may help the car run cleaner, what with the next one coming up in less than two weeks. The bulk of public opinion seemed to be in favor of making the change so I went with it.

The government here is beginning a campaign to phase out diesel motors and In January 2019 smog tolerances are tightening up. I'll have until May 2020 to either bring it up to the new standards (I don't know yet how hard it will actually be to meet standards, maybe I'll be OK) or be forced to get rid of the car which I'll hate to do.
Now you tell me! Actually I'm driven by the concern that my engine won't pass smog limits of our local MOT, required bi-annually. It passed two years ago but not by a whole lot and feel I can't afford to overlook any possibility that may help the car run cleaner, what with the next one coming up in less than two weeks. The bulk of public opinion seemed to be in favor of making the change so I went with it.

The government here is beginning a campaign to phase out diesel motors and In January 2019 smog tolerances are tightening up. I'll have until May 2020 to either bring it up to the new standards (I don't know yet how hard it will actually be to meet standards, maybe I'll be OK) or be forced to get rid of the car which I'll hate to do.

Most governments are working along the same lines. I mean it's not at all polluting to scrap a perfectly serviceable vehicle and build another to replace it, is it.:confused: All governments are completely clueless, ours included.:mad:
I'm still optimistic for the most part. The M47/TD4 is a good motor and not that old, and as long as everything is kept up I should be OK. I mean, that engine is in an awful lot of cars and I can't see all those vehicles being taken off the road en masse like that.

I know I should rebuild the turbo and probably clean or replace the injectors between now and then, but that's not really out of line I don't think. Then there are always the smaller items like the HP sensor harness that came up in another thread; there are undoubtedly still more things I'm unaware of that will make the engine run cleaner. Anyway, let me pass the one in two weeks and I'll worry about all that later!

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