
New Member
Hiya guys

After my k series head gasket packed up and I thought it would be best to cut my loses, I was gonna have a go at fixing it but decided to get rid. Iv now had me a td4 adventurer 5 Dr 06 plate and I must say I'm chuffed with it, when doing the service the other day I noticed a clear oil leak dripping off the under tray so I cleaned everything up but cant find were its coming from. It seems to be coming from the centre area in between the ird and gear box. Has anyone else experienced this oil leak ?. I thought it might be diesel at first but after smelling it I ruled that out. It smells very similar to 3 in 1 oil and looks the same to.

Has anyone else experienced this ?

Chris :)
I don't think its diesel cous it feels slippery and it doesn't smell like diesel either. If you have some 3in1 oil its very similar to that, it has no coulor to it and smells oily It smells just like 3in1.
Could be the seal between gearbox and ird is leaking

Is it manual or auto?

If manual has it had a new clutch recently?
Sorry i should have said it was a manual, Iv checked the brake fluid and thats ok. There is nothing in the paper work to say its had a new clutch. The clutch pedal bites about 3 quarters of the way up if thats of any help.
You say "clear" but there's only one thing that can be clear really - which is diesel.

Try getting some white paper/tissue and getting a drop on there so you can see a comparison.

If it's a light gold/brown colour it'll be clutch/brake fluid... if completely clear it's more than likely diesel, there's nothing else it can be unless I'm being stupid?
There's only so many things it can be so it's a process of elimination.
Not engine oil or diesel. Brake,clutch and pas fluid would show in reservoir level drop.
That only leaves gearbox/ird, which you would have the hassle of checking the level. How much are we talking about.
Also check the CV rubber gaitor.
There's only so many things it can be so it's a process of elimination.
Not engine oil or diesel. Brake,clutch and pas fluid would show in reservoir level drop.
That only leaves gearbox/ird, which you would have the hassle of checking the level. How much are we talking about.
Also check the CV rubber gaitor.

But, unless changed recently, the gearbox/ird would be a dark brown colour surely... and smell like death.
But, unless changed recently, the gearbox/ird would be a dark brown colour surely... and smell like death.
Well yes, but peoples descriptions on the internet are vague and the OP has ruled out diesel and other fluids.
Possibly the CV joint. When the grease breaks down the oil can find its way out a small crack in the rubber.
its diesel because thats the only clear oily fluid in the car. simple op says its like 3 in 1 oil so its oil after going threw the injectors and back via the leak off pipes it can be very thin and loose its smell. my money is still on diesel
Hiya guys thanks for your coments really appreciate it. Me and me mate went over the car today and we think we might have sused it, we are pretty sure its clutch fluid because me mate took the rubber top of the clutch reservoir and it the exact same fluid. The fluid level seems ok its about 1cm down from the top edge ? Dont know if thats the right level or not. There are 2 rubber pipes connecting on to some ridgid silver pipes directly above the IRD and it looks like its leaking from there, well thats if they are somthing to do with the clutch im not sure. There is some of this fluid on top of the gear box aswell so i dont know how it got up there if it is of those pipes. This fluid is everywere underneith so it makes it hard to find the source.
Hiya guys thanks for your coments really appreciate it. Me and me mate went over the car today and we think we might have sused it, we are pretty sure its clutch fluid because me mate took the rubber top of the clutch reservoir and it the exact same fluid. The fluid level seems ok its about 1cm down from the top edge ? Dont know if thats the right level or not. There are 2 rubber pipes connecting on to some ridgid silver pipes directly above the IRD and it looks like its leaking from there, well thats if they are somthing to do with the clutch im not sure. There is some of this fluid on top of the gear box aswell so i dont know how it got up there if it is of those pipes. This fluid is everywere underneith so it makes it hard to find the source.

Clutch fluid is normally blackish at that age. 1 cm from the top sounds about right - check the pipe from reservoir to connector to gearbox with a paper towel.

The IRD pipes you speak of go to the cooler, and contain coolant, which should be pink.

If the fluid is 'everywhere' then you would have seen a level drop somewhere. Check the gearbox and IRD fluid levels by all means, but: clear fluid leak + no reservoir drops + lots of fluid + fluid on top of gearbox = diesel leak. Take the injector cover off and watch the leak-off pipes with the engine running.
Yeh I will do that next I think, I'm 100% sure it's not gear or ird fluid cous iv changed those before on my k series and it's smells like crap. All the levels are fine no drop at all so it must be deisel then, I'll get the covers off tomorrow and take a look it's gotta be diesel.

I'll keep ya posted :)
I have an auto and I have a very small leak exactly where you say I presume it is the o ring that goes between the gear box and the ird it is very small leek
so I am not bothering about it until it gets worse ,I fixed the one on the diff that one was easy.
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Well i just got the cover off to have a look and sure enough were the injectors are it was full of deisel so i cleaned it up and started the engine but could not see anything leaking off those pipes you mentioned so im guessing there is some sort of gasket or seal were the injectors bolt in ??? If so maybe one of them has failed. Its going to the garage tomorrow so atleast they know were to start looking.

How do i add a pic on here ???
if you have diesel in the injector wells then it sounds as though you need the seals replacing be careful not to over tighten the nuts as those special bolts are expensive
I think I an right in saying to post a picture go to advanced and click on attachments then choose from where you pictures are,
its diesel because thats the only clear oily fluid in the car. simple op says its like 3 in 1 oil so its oil after going threw the injectors and back via the leak off pipes it can be very thin and loose its smell. my money is still on diesel

Indeed someone did say that lol :D

I had that bloody cover off aswell to do the service and never spotted it :rolleyes:

Oh well lesson learned I guess, open ya bloody eyes next time Chris lol

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