steve gR

New Member
I'm new to the forum and was hoping somebody could help me locate a cam sensor for my 2001 TD4. I've had the same problem as a few other members, the car drives perfect but when I stop it will not start for about an hour. My d(st)ealer wants £55 for a new one but I've seen a thread in which one of the members got hold of one for £26. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
P.s I've also had to disconnect my MAF!:(
Welcome steve!
Got a funny feeling they'll be Dealer only, but some one will hopefully put me right later on.
why is it you think you need one ?
The reason I ask is that I had the mill light come up on a jap car last year
the fault code showed Cam shaft sensor fault,So I changed it.
Turned out the cam chain was stretched.
I know the V6 is belt driven, just dint want you to go the same way i did,
ie spent £30 on a sensor only to find out it wernt faulty
Anyhow, sure someone will sort yer out later.
Hello Mondo
Thanks for the reply. I read on the forum that someone had the same problem and fixed it by replacing the cam sensor. So the last time the car would not start I took the sensor out and cleaned it on the off chance it was just gunked up. I put the sensor back in and the car started. at this point I thought I'd fixed the problem. However the next time I stopped the car after a 10-15 mile drive it would not start again.:( All I can guess is that by removing the sensor it cooled down and started working.:confused:
Well not sure ya cam sensor would cure this problem. . .however for your peace of mind ,just put a avo on the connections try one at a time one lead ta earth ,set avo ta 12v dc but think switching on these are bout 6v but leave on 12v ta be safe, get helper ta start motor as the pulse will be so fast as ta look like say 0-6v in one hit ,so if its 3 wire device=poss ,neg ,o/p 2 wire= poss o/p ,if it is not yer sensor[and i dont think it is] next stage , fuel filter [under bonnet rh/side under puter box, put hand on the lift pump [same place] get helper ta sw on ingnition only ,should feel pump click fer bout 10 seconds then stop, if ya dont get this , then check, fuel pump relay ,fuse for fuel pump relay,if this are ok ,new fuel filter, if that fails , let me know as we go into another mindfield and i will run ya through it,best oh luck earthling. . .:D
£26 for ruling out one potential problem is pretty good, it may also fix it.
Like so many problems with modern cars it's a case of trial and error which can work out pricey.
What ever hapened to basic setups, timing adjusted on the distrubutor cap, points to set, getting in the engine bay with the engine still in? Arrr, the good old days :D
marksurry said:
£26 for ruling out one potential problem is pretty good, it may also fix it.
Like so many problems with modern cars it's a case of trial and error which can work out pricey.
What ever hapened to basic setups, timing adjusted on the distrubutor cap, points to set, getting in the engine bay with the engine still in? Arrr, the good old days :D

Hi mark,

Yes, the good old days eh, with my Manta A (of 1972 I think it was) I did all my maintenance myself, in order to cut things down as much as possible, in time I mean, I put the ignition the fastest possible (just before the point the valves started clicking when giving short shoots of throttle), at that point I painted a white dot on the flywheel so all the following point changes etc.. all I had to do was just take a spanner and turn the flywheel till the white mark was at the arrow on the housing, change the points with the correct gap, connect a 12V lamp, turn the distributor until the lamp came on and fix the distributor again, it only took a couple of minutes (almost less time than typing in all this:D ) and my ignition was always at the ideal position. (Some 12° ahead against the 5° late the car had when I got it new from the dealer, it was a real mule when I first got it but the idle was perfect, no engine shaking at all but not performance either :D :D after I put the ignition in total some 17° ahead the idle was **** but boy when I hit the gaspedal ......:) :) :) ).
Hi all,

Don't know whether it's in this threat or elsewhere that one talks about the "engine breather", is that the same thing which is referred to in official LR language as the "oil depression limiter" ???

willo said:
Hi all,

Don't know whether it's in this threat or elsewhere that one talks about the "engine breather", is that the same thing which is referred to in official LR language as the "oil depression limiter" ???



Oh sorry willo we are no longer alowed to reply with one word answers it upsets folk you know:rolleyes:

I beleive that to be the case Willo, Oil depression limiter, Is what the more
less venachular amongs us would term,engine breather
willo said:
Hi all,

Don't know whether it's in this threat or elsewhere that one talks about the "engine breather", is that the same thing which is referred to in official LR language as the "oil depression limiter" ???

Hi Willo,have you fitted your new maf mod yet ?. . . .:)
ming said:
Hi Willo,have you fitted your new maf mod yet ?. . . .:)

What that got to do wiv a cam sensor,

Zippy will not be amused:rolleyes:

oh bollox I've just done it now!!! smirk
Hi ming (and mondo)

As you might know we have a newly created Freelander site (in Flemish) overhere in Belgium. One of the guys on there had MAF problems and he bought a Pierburg, unfortunately he had no improvement at all, the guy who started up the site asked per mail to Ron what he could do and the answer was to put a Mafam75p. As mine was just sitting in the garage (as my Bosch still working fine) I made the offer to the guy to take my maf so that he was helped out as quickly as possible. This means I have the mafam no longer, haven't heard so far about the result. Also kept my old toothbrush aside just in case ....:D :D (remember ??;) )
Hi Ming
Thanks for the reply, I've already checked out the fuel system and it's ok. I'm now positive it's the cam sensor. Today I twice ran the engine upto normal operating temperature, stopped the car for 5 minutes and tried to start the car without any success. I quickly removed the cam sensor and cooled it down. I put the sensor back in and the engine started. I did this twice to be certain. I will be fitting a new sensor in the next few days and will let you know how it went (or didn't). Also after the engine started with the cooled down sensor I stopped the engine and left it 5 minutes to let the sensor warm up again. With the sensor warm again the engine would not start.
steve gR said:
Hi Ming
Thanks for the reply, I've already checked out the fuel system and it's ok. I'm now positive it's the cam sensor. Today I twice ran the engine upto normal operating temperature, stopped the car for 5 minutes and tried to start the car without any success. I quickly removed the cam sensor and cooled it down. I put the sensor back in and the engine started. I did this twice to be certain. I will be fitting a new sensor in the next few days and will let you know how it went (or didn't). Also after the engine started with the cooled down sensor I stopped the engine and left it 5 minutes to let the sensor warm up again. With the sensor warm again the engine would not start.
Nice one Steve. oh luck,:) :) :)
willo said:
Also kept my old toothbrush aside just in case ....:D :D (remember ??;) )
i'm not from earth Willo ,A ruler of Zog never forgets, but, let us all know how your Flemish person gets on with the pirbough maf mod , [i find this very intresting], , ,oh and don't talk ta the Mondo and the Mark ,they are in disgrace . . .:)
Hi ruler of Zog,

Informing you is written down on the list I only look at with the most possible respect as only things of concern to highplaced persons and rulers are marked on there, it's even so that I bow my head till the ground and close my eyes in deep respect when I have to consult that list, (rather difficult that way though) happy now ??:D :D
willo said:
Hi ruler of Zog,

I bow my head till the ground and close my eyes in deep respect
YA dont have ta bow to me Willo ,when on earth i'm just one of the boys [but special] so a quick nod of respect will sufice, . . .:)
I replaced the cam sensor today and the problem is fixed. No more sitting in ASDA carpark for 2 hours waiting for the engine/cam sensor to cool down.
steve gR said:
I replaced the cam sensor today and the problem is fixed. No more sitting in ASDA carpark for 2 hours waiting for the engine/cam sensor to cool down.

Nice one steve!:D
bloody lectrickery eh?

How much did you end up paying fer yer sensor then?

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