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Freelander TD4 facelift auto.
Has anybody had to change the auxillary drive belt (water pump, alternator, power steering pump) tensioner? can anyone tell me how it is removed? Despite searching through here and rave I cannot find anything regarding it. searching for a replacement part seems equally confusing, 3 different parts suppliers show 3 completely different items, but all listed as being for this drive belt.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
you need to depress the auto adjuster just can not remember but you may have to take the other belt/s of first like the alternator which would mean undoing the alternator bolts ect to loosen those a quick tip is to take a phot first of how they go to me it is like a figure 8 but does not quite meet in the middle
Thanks for that teddy, I was so wound up with this yesterday that I did not explain the situation properly. I had just finished replacing the Bosch high pressure pump and needed to refit the belt to finish the job, but when I came to move the tensioner I noticed that it would only move a centimetre or so, no where near enough to get the belt over the last pulley. It seems that it has moved forward too far and now will not go back. I then decided that it will have to be replaced, but that in itself appears to throw up more problems because the parts suppliers show 3 different models of tensioner when I supply the details of the engine, so I need to remove the existing tensioner as a pattern, but I cannot find any information on it at all, even searches with Google, Yahoo and Yandex draw a blank.
Off topic.

How did you get on with the HP fuel-pump?
Did the one on my wife's TD4 a few weeks ago, not too bad and once done could be carried out in half the time if necessary to do it again.
No problem at all with the original pump replacement job. I managed without removing the starter motor, The problem came when I tried to refit the auxillary drive belt, the adjuster would not go back far enough to allow the belt to be put in place, it moved about 25mm which was enough for the belt to come off, but nowhere near enough to put a new one back on. The fact that there appears to be different designs of tensioner meant that I needed to remove the original just to see which type it was. I have had this car just over a month and this was the first job to do, so imagine my surprise when, being able to get at the tensioner properly, I find dropped behind the tensioner, in a sort of recess in the engine block a 22mm SOCKET, This was the problem! the socket was allowing the tensioner to spring forward, tensioning the belt but would not allow it to move backwards fully. With the help of a strong recover magnet the socket was removed from behind the tensioner pulley, pulley checked and no apparent damage and no wear marks on the socket. Now the tensioner would move enough to get the new belt on without trouble!! PROBLEM SOLVED. (mind, I still do not know which pattern the tensioner is!!)

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