
New Member
Hello my LR friends
I have a TD4 (previuosly owned a RR classic) which I have had for two weeks looking to get some ideas to give this vehicle some presence on the road.

Looking forward to gaining knowledge from you lot : )

Yes just had a look .great stuff for freelander folks...
Did post a question but cos I'm new to this site not sure if i did it right ... : (
Two questions Getting a low sounding knocking noise i think from front drivers side.
I would also like to put bigger tyres on my 16" alloys wonder what size is best without the hassle of spacers etc?
This is where the search facility comes in :) type key words in to the box above(at the side of your name) and read the posts that appear in the search.

Do this first, if you don't get info from that it's not been covered before, doing this cuts down on the same questions being asked over and over again ;) which rubs some peeps up the wrong way and the poster usually gets abused horribly

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