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Was planning to replace the cam cover this weekend o9n wife's TD4 because it has large crack from oil filler down to the main part of the cover.

Three injectors came out easily (even with cold engine), but number two will not shift. Tried again today after a 5 mile run to get the engine hot, but no joy. Penetrating fluid has not helped either.

Is there anyone near Slough / Heathrow that has an injector puller kit I could borrow ?

Alternatively any opinions on the eBay / Amazon tools versus the proper Sealey kit ?
Was looking at those kits. Gonna try the Carb Cleaner & wiggle the injector method tomorrow & Tues. If that doesn't work, then will buy the kit.
Already read those two threads !! Even using a bar & lever number two is being a challenge, so looking more like I need to buy the slide hammer kit..
Already read those two threads !! Even using a bar & lever number two is being a challenge, so looking more like I need to buy the slide hammer kit..

Ok so how did it go in the end or are you still trying to get the injector out ?
Job paused !! Was soaking it daily with carb-cleaner & planning to start wriggling it, but wifey cam back from her trip to Ireland & been using the car !! will get back to it soon I hope.
Back on this job again. I now have a 14-piece puller kit, so that should help. The top connector section turns easily, but no room to unscrew due to the cam cover shape, because the injector connection fouls on the section highlighted in attached.

Cam Cover.jpg .

Any ideas, or should I sacrifice the cover as I already have a replacement.

[EDIT] - Squirted more carb cleaner, re-assembled with the injector clamp nuts about 1-2 turns loose (used lock nuts so they don't rattle off ! ). Drove it for 10 miles to get it properly hot, but injector still solid. Gonne leave the clamp loose this week, and see if it shifts ?
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Question: Should the solenoid connector section turn relative to the 29mm nut ?

My replacement injector has the solenoid connector & nut slightly mis-aligned whci hstops the special 29mm socket going on properly ?

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