Many thanks as ever B. I will be tackling this over the next few days and let you know how I get on. Xmas and all it entails is taking up every bit of my free time but us blokes do like to leave the pressies till late eh :D
Hi B. :) I got free time somehow and just done the checks on connectors.

1. So with ignition on and first checking other windows worked. They did.
So connected black probe to strap bolt for earth and then looked for grey and orange wire in grey connector. There isn't one of this colour combination but I checked all 6 wires on the grey connector and the only one that gave a reading (12.1 volts) was the red/black wire. I know the earth is good as when I removed it there was no reading on display.
Not sure if this helps but the other colour wires on this connector are red/yellow, green/yellow, green/grey, green and green/red.

2. I then reconnected black probe to earth and then did the check on the motor switch connector. I put the red probe on the blue wire and (with ignition still on) operated the up/down switch for the window. No voltage. I then repeated the process with the red probe on the red wire and still no voltage.
Hopefully you can advise on what I should best be checking for next.
The fact you had to slam the door previously to make it work would indicate a bad connection, a broken cable or faulty motor.
Hopefully someone will confirm but It might be worth checking for a connector in the foot well to plug the door into the loom. If there is one you could disconnect it and check the continuity of each cable with your new meter, this is how I confirmed the wiring was OK to my boot door before eventually tracing the fault to the switch connection.
Another thought is you could remove the regulator from the passenger door and plug it in. You don't have to install the regulator, just test the motor.
It might be a good idea to check the voltages to the passenger door anyway so you know what it should be like.
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Many thanks Alibro. I had thought there might be another connector and that would have been my next port of call. 'TD4Van' has been incredibly helpful in the past so I will hang fire for the moment and await his opinion. I have learnt a lot already by trying to take this job on as I really am an amateur at this! Cheers, John p.s. I will look for a connector in well though and if found will do the checks you mentioned
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Hi John

The power is common across all switches on the switch and this is good - have you tried a new switch pack assembly as there are relays for the front windows in there
Update: Well I haven't quite managed to locate a connector in drivers side well (for wiring loom to door) but... I may have located the problem ! Shock horror!
I squeezed my hand into the door and behind the metal frame to feel around the wiring there and felt a wire that had a sharp edge. Well that can't be right so I managed to also squeeze my camera into the area to take a few pics. Lo and behold a broken wire. It appears to be either a grey/orange or a green/orange. Now the pics I have taken aren't really conclusive as the broken wire at the bottom may be a different colour to the broken wire at the top which would indicate two broken wires ? Or its just a trick of the light and they are one and the same colour so just one broken wire. Not sure what the next step is now as I have to somehow reconnect or replace and getting into this tight area is a nightmare. So I will look for a connector in the well .. which if there is.. may allow me to disconnect the wiring and pull it back through the door for further inspection.
Well that's my Boxing Day bush tucker trial set in stone !
Here are the pics I took

I don't think you mentioned if this car was a new to you or one you had for a while. It's always a good idea to give the full history of the fault to get the best advise.
Was the window faulty when you bought the car or did it suddenly fail after months of working fine? If it was working fine then these wires probably are not the cause, if you bought it with a faulty window then you are in a very different situation. Was the door replaced? was the loom replaced? You won't and cannot know the answer so you're now chasing someone else cock up.
I don't think you mentioned if this car was a new to you or one you had for a while. It's always a good idea to give the full history of the fault to get the best advise.
Was the window faulty when you bought the car or did it suddenly fail after months of working fine? If it was working fine then these wires probably are not the cause, if you bought it with a faulty window then you are in a very different situation. Was the door replaced? was the loom replaced? You won't and cannot know the answer so you're now chasing someone else cock up.

Hi Alibro,
You are quite right.. I should have given a full overview of the car.
Actually had my hippo for nearly 8 years now (it had 49k on the clock and now its on 117k). I have never had a window problem until a month ago and only drivers side ok. So there was certainly not a pre-existing fault here on purchase. Should I now discount this split orange/grey wire as the culprit or perhaps do a voltage test on this first ?
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