
New Member
Hi, can anyone assist my g reg td has a little trouble starting cold, I have looked a
t forum but cannot see any ref to cold start mechanism, ie location, how to adjust, check it works ok etc, I have looked in dreaded haynes manual but no reference or diagram, anyone offer some advice or tips please
You'll probably find one or more of the glow plugs aren't working, as said just wait for the light to go out, ignition off and wait again then start it

They're dirt cheap to replace
i dont think there is a timer on td's. just up to the person. i used to have to glow for about 20 good seconds for it to start on a cold morn.
cold start solanoid is located on the side of the injector pump casting (nearest wing) its a allen headed bolt with lock nuts. its just a bolt which has length adjustment to govern the float on a needle valve inside.
theres not a lot of adjustment, but if its out, a smal amount of adjustment may help.
if i remember right its out for more fuel in for less, but remember to make very small adjustments!

hope that helps fella
Thanks guys will look at that in morning, I know they are famous for slow start but seems like mine is nearly there just takes a few too many turns, have done all but change battery and check cold start adjustment
Turn motor over for a couple of seconds before giving heat,helps get a quick start on a cold day.
on really really cold mornings i had to keep the glow on for anything up to 45 secs to get it to start quickly and i replaced the glow plugs every year
The glow plugs should be at full operational temperature in about 10 seconds in these engines, if they take longer than that they are knackered or the cheapy ones. On a really cold morning a 15/20second glow ought to be plenty, this will also help to warm the air in the precombustion chamber.

Now turn the key and DON'T let go, this is the problem, a lot of people don't have the guts to hold the key and only let go when it's caught. With every compression stroke the engine will get a little warmer and it should go. A good battery and good cables help with that.

NEVER touch the throttle in these Lucas injection pump equiped engines, it disables the low rev cold start system.

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