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hi folks......so my D2 failed it's test miserably......it's going to the mart tomorrow. I'm now on the hunt for another one.....I found one locally MOT till March. I went and checked its previous MOT and advisories and one of them was TC light on. Anyone came across this before? I thought the ABS and HDC would also be on too? But it's only TC.

First of all see if the ABS and HDC(amber) warnings are working on ignition self test or not, according to your answer i'll tell you more cos it's important to know how the warning lamps are working
So I called him and spoke about his advisories...the TC light....which he said "it's been fixed" oh what was it?? "It was a, erm, a sensor" great can I come and view it.

So I went to view it (he was too busy so his son was there) today with a diagnostic reader, first thing I noticed...no ABS/TC/HDC lights when ignition is on....when It starts it kept on "Bing Bing Bing" audible warning....but no lights. So I plugged it in, the initial check never put the lights on either. Reader said it was shuttle valves (which is an easy sort) and no battery voltage to ABS.

Also had a problem with injector 3, didn't pull as good as my current one, needs clutch and DMF, starter motor, exhaust manifold, ABS sorted and lights back on and there was some weird and wonderful wiring added in the fuse box....it screamed bastardised so I walked away......

Air suspension was working and chassis was in great condition
Sounds like a good call on the walking away.,

Whats the betting that there was black tape across the ABS and HDC lights inside the dash.

I agree with you there! Easy sort too. Was really wanting another d2 too, that one was immaculate inside and out but mechanically awful!!

And my D2 just died on the way home! Won't pull past 2500-3000 rpm in any gear.
Hi, check the wastegate modulator pipes for splits as a first check for your lack of power. Could be turbo overbost protection.

Problem found. Don't have an air filter so it's running without one.
I got the MOT abandoned as the repairs was going to be more than my budget that I set. Biggest thing would be the chassis needed welded, needs a tyre, there's several suspension arm joints needing replaced, brake pipes, anti roll bushes and links, front of chassis insecure, Advisories seat mount and seat belt mount corroded, front discs, brake pipe.
I got the MOT abandoned as the repairs was going to be more than my budget that I set. Biggest thing would be the chassis needed welded, needs a tyre, there's several suspension arm joints needing replaced, brake pipes, anti roll bushes and links, front of chassis insecure, Advisories seat mount and seat belt mount corroded, front discs, brake pipe.

So beyond a rechassis then
Its only my opinion, but think carefully about scrapping a vehicle that you know well for the sake of some money - it can be a false economy - if you did fix the issues, then, they are fixed for a long time - especially the chassis - either welded properly, or replaced, it should last a long time.

The time it would take you to go through any prospective replacement at the level of detail you know the current one, makes a new one something of a gamble, again, IMHO.:)
Its only my opinion, but think carefully about scrapping a vehicle that you know well for the sake of some money - it can be a false economy - if you did fix the issues, then, they are fixed for a long time - especially the chassis - either welded properly, or replaced, it should last a long time.

The time it would take you to go through any prospective replacement at the level of detail you know the current one, makes a new one something of a gamble, again, IMHO.:)
+1 on that.... I believe that "devil you know" mantra applies here too. I would get a cheap small car to run around in and fix the disco over time.

Problem found. Don't have an air filter so it's running without one.
Had that happen to me once earlier in the year. Britpart air filter arrived in that blue box and I was like 'it has no moving parts so it can't go wrong'. Stupid thing came apart and stuffed the intake hose full of paper. Got a replacement Donaldson part with that steel mesh backing and all has been well with the World.
Agreed with what is being said, some time and money and it'll be back on the road. I don't have a workshop or have access to one and with summer now past I have to work outside. Looking into this it looks like £700-£1000 to get it up to a good standard that's including advisories, then there's labour on top of that, last year it needed £650 worth of welding so I'm basing it on that figure. Mechanically this D2 is perfect, on that I'd rather break it and sell the good parts and put it towards another motor (currently looking for a D3) I just don't have the time or equipment to do it. It's not even worth £1000 it's an old workhorse which has every panel bashed and scratched. I just don't want to put that sort of money into it.

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