Back again - WTF did I start?

TB = Twisted and bitter!!!

134 used to be my pay number!

check the profile piccy - I'm not Mondo!

but feel free to take the P!ss onyway! You already know I drive a Smart, so feel free to call me a tube... I can give and take!

and I did appreciate the help! - I've been busy sorting out some bad scratches on the motor, clearing off and scooshing easol around the bolts due to be removed next weekend,(from the car) getting bits of cable and cable clamps so on! and trying to work out some suitably obscure signature...
Maybe I'm nijet:p :D

maybe we shoul give it a rest,I think everyone ferked off ,cos theydont know whos real anymore
Zippy? What is it with the muppet thing...
OK here's a muppet teaser -
What's the sextet band that had 'Zoot' as the saxophonist?
and who was the drummer?

Free hippo clipart to the winner...
i think it was dr.teeth and the electric mayhem, **** knows how i remember that but i think i had their album when i were a lad , send me my clipart , ;)
Electric Mayhem indeed! now I understand the link between Discos and Muppets!


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