
I sold my Defender around the 10th October and it had just over 9 months tax remaining. I assumed under the new rules I would automatically receive a refund when I got the confirmation of change of keeper slip which arrived today. But no refund, does anyone know when I should expect it?
Vehicle tax refunds

You will no longer need to make a separate application for a refund of vehicle tax. DVLA will automatically issue a refund when a notification is received from the person named on DVLA vehicle register that the:
•vehicle has been sold or transferred
•vehicle has been scrapped at an Authorised Treatment Facility
•vehicle has been exported
•vehicle has been removed from the road and the person on the vehicle register has made a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)
•person on the vehicle register has changed the tax class on the vehicle to an exempt duty tax class
But does anyone know how long I should expect to wait. I know under the old system of claiming tax back it could take around 6 weeks but I'd hoped they'd of sped the process up a bit?
Err , if it was sold witha. Tax disk showing a valid till date i suspect you might find you get no refund.

Im fairly certain it only applys to tax bought under the new non tax disked tax.

Other wise the tax disk must be surrendered to recieve the refund,
Might depend on HOW you purchased your Tax if they have a note of a credit/debit card with which you made payment... and it is still within date... they might manage the payment fairly soon. If they don't have a card to credit you with, then you may have to wait months before one of those cheque things is printed and snail-mailed. :)
If the car has been sold with a valid tax disc in the window then it is STILL taxed so how a refund is due is beyond me.
"From 1 October, vehicle tax is not transferable so you won’t be able to include any remaining tax when you sell a vehicle. If you sell a vehicle after 1 October and you have notified DVLA, you will automatically get a refund for any full remaining months left on the vehicle tax. The refund will be sent to the keepers details on DVLA records so you need to make sure that these are correct."

from the DVLAs website. so i guess i was wrong - how ever i still reckon you should have removed and sent the old tax disk back for a refund as im sure youll get no refund as that tax disk is still in circulation and is still valid until it runs out and the car is taxed under the new regime.
Sold my car two weeks ago got a cheque in the post for the refund Wednesday this week quite pleased but if you sell it in October you loose Octobers tax if that makes sense
The automatic refund only applies to tax bought under the new system, with no tax disk.
If you had a valid tax disk it still stays with the car unless you send it back for a refund. The various explanations do not take account of the transitional period where many cars still have disks, bought before the new system came in.

There is a scam here, of course. If you have bought "no-disc" tax, and sell your car in the middle of the month, you will get a refund from the END of the month. The new owner will have to buy new tax, from the START of the month. The Gov thus gets to sell tax on that vehicle twice for that month!

Ideal time to sell/buy a car? Midnight on the last day of the month.
Just been through this meself. via the FiL.

He bought SWMBO's Passat off us, and before I'd managed to dig out the V5 and do the necessary his missus, decided she'd stick with her Volvo XC!!

He then sold it on to someone else, by this point I'd found the V5, so I just signed it and popped the new fella's details on it.

Now, I don't know if the FiL sent the tax disc or left it in the window. All I know is that the notification and refund chequelet turned up almost together - the cheque arrived first!!
Thought it would be worth updating this, a cheque arrived in the post today and I didn't send the tax disc off. Apparently though it can still take upto 6 weeks to receive a refund!
Been doing some more thorough reading on this, and I find that I was wrong about refunds.

In fact from 1 Oct you can tear up any tax disc you have, as it is all on the electronic system and there is no requirement to display any more.

If you sell your car you will automatically get a refund of any complete months, and the new owner has to buy new tax from the beginning of the month.

As I have just sold my softdash (cheque clears today), I shall declare sorn from Friday. On Sunday it will be picked up by a transporter, and I will then do the V5 for transfer of ownership. He can either tax straight away, or leave the sorn in place until he is ready to put it on the road. Quite convenient timing.

(It doesn't need transporting, but as it is going 300 miles it actually works out quite reasonable re train fares, hotels, and 2 days to collect it!

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