Hughesy - I know where you're coming from - but think about the bulk of us in the uk. we don't give a damn about the environment (not so much as to do something about it rather than recycling a few bottles) and we put our fuel in our cars cos thats what we do. So not that many are going to go to the effort and expense of fitting a dual tank system, heat pumps, etc to their astra or mondeo, and not so many are going to risk knackering their vw by just pouring in veg oil. Cos when it gets cold they WILL knacker unless they heat the oil first.

So straight off, theres not going to be a significant amount of folk converting their cars properly. And even those that do, they are limited to the 2500 litres which;ll get em about 13-15000 miles.

Comparing that small batch of drivers converting their cars and doing their 13-15000 miles to all the other millions of drivers and the commercial drivers in their lorries, buses, taxis etc doing hundreds of thousands of miles a year, paying full duty on their diesel or even if they ran on veg oil on the majority of their mileage - it's a drop in the ocean.

The current scheme where producers register - small producers, ie you and me if we use under 2500 litres actually cost the revenue more in paperwork, chasing up, follw up etc than we pay due to innefficiency. So this proposal will not cost HMG anything!
First we have consumer lazyness and inertia to change, then hassle and expense to convert, then storing all this oil and keeping paperwork, then the 5000-6000 mile service intervals for veg oil running and the worry that your engine actually wont run too well on veg oil - added to the fact that by not paying duty on the 2500 litres actually saves money for HMG whilst making them appear all nice and green - you can see why HMG aren't exactly ****ting themselves at the loss of revenue!

Cynical buggers that they are - still, not stopping me converting and running Edith for 30p a litre!
I can see what you're saying muddy. Believe me if this proves to be the case I'm opening an acccount at my local supermarket's cookin oil department:D

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