6 miles a day...you're going to wear it out. I averaged 0.8 miles a day last year.
Just got my "free tax disk" :D bloke in the post office was moaning about pollution and old cars and that he disagreed with it etc but it all depends what you put in the tank doesn't it?
Just got my "free tax disk" :D bloke in the post office was moaning about pollution and old cars and that he disagreed with it etc but it all depends what you put in the tank doesn't it?

Not really. emissions will be similar for 95, 97 and 99 / diesel or veg. huge amount of pollution comes from manufacture of new cars, lots of energy/water/oil used to stamp panels and make plastics. Overall, even with less efficient engines, our classics will be less polluting than going and buying a new eurobox.
Not really. emissions will be similar for 95, 97 and 99 / diesel or veg. huge amount of pollution comes from manufacture of new cars, lots of energy/water/oil used to stamp panels and make plastics. Overall, even with less efficient engines, our classics will be less polluting than going and buying a new eurobox.

Plus new cars have parts flown in from all over the world, and are transported from whichever country they're built in to whichever country they're sold in...

Stick with yer Landy :D

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