parts wanted

Active Member
Dear All,
I live in Cardiff and someone has had the cheek to remove the wheel carrier from the bonnet of my series in the middle of the night. Nothing I can do really now but any other Landy owners in south wales cardiff area beware someone i:(s being really cheeky and possibly using peoples vehicles as a walk in store.
my sister has a 110 county..

has so far had stolen in the last month...

3 sets of rear sidelight lenses, a window wiper blade, reversing lamp lens and two sets of front indicator lenses..

very odd?

oh and the mirror glass out of the o/s door mirror,,, didnt take the whole thing, just the glass.. she replaced it and they broke it trying to nick the new one..
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annoying, my sympathies are with her, and like you say "odd".
My brother has suggested putting a video camera in the upstairs window with some motion activation gizmo. I might just do it.
wonder if theres someone nearby with a project ****ter or something that they needed bits for ?

Could also be local scroats just being annoying
good idea...

all the bits were only a couple of quid to replace.. not even worth stealing?

but added up to a fair bit when youve bought 3 sets of rear light lenses...

its gotta be harder to sneak around in the middle of the night than just pay a couple of quid n wait for the post man..
Yes , sneaking around in the middle of night would make buying more civilised behaviour, but what gets me is it was parked in the middle of a load of mud and they scratched my wifes car bonnet climbing over that to get to mine, and then had to spanner the part off with the bonnet raised. Its the cheek and the theft that leaves me wondering what to do, it is no good sounding off making impotent threats. Catching them in the act will be the wisest action so I think some video surveillance or indelible dye may be the way forward.
big set off teeth on legs tends to put them off !! unless they are from ROVER WAY , no pun intended
it dont nessesary need big sets of teeth,
just more then one sets of teeth.
my 3 sets have 12 legs between them,
if the 1st set dont hear summit, the other 2 sets do, then all hell lets loose..
short legs all scrabling on the wood floor for traction is comical,
but at "target"......:eek:


motion sensor lights are quite cheap, so if the dogs make a noise, and the outside lights are on.....
it aint father christmas calling is it..
:hysterically_laughi , if they is russell's/terrier's , i could very well imagine it's bedlam when they are trotting on the spot, funny as !, but your right the more the merrier even if they do go in all the wrong direction's
:hysterically_laughi , if they is russell's/terrier's , i could very well imagine it's bedlam when they are trotting on the spot, funny as !, but your right the more the merrier even if they do go in all the wrong direction's
2 russells & 1 lassa apso bastid thing!!!:D
but soooo good at telling me summits outside,
day or night.....

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