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A while ago, several years actually the cassette player in my Discovery stopped playing tapes properly, sound all muffled and quiet even when turned up. So with a CD multichanger and an ipod radio adaptor I didnt think any more about it and stopped using it. Tapes taken out of the car and gathered dust in the garage for several years till my wife made me throw them out. Then I spied a cassette head cleaner on Ebay for £2, bought it and ran it for a few cycles and wouldnt you know, perfect cassette clarity restored once more! :D
Fortunately I have a stash of other 80s masterpieces in the attic so the dolby noise reduced goodtimes can once again roll! I always said these new fangled CDs and i music thingies would never last :banana:
A while ago, several years actually the cassette player in my Discovery stopped playing tapes properly, sound all muffled and quiet even when turned up. So with a CD multichanger and an ipod radio adaptor I didnt think any more about it and stopped using it. Tapes taken out of the car and gathered dust in the garage for several years till my wife made me throw them out. Then I spied a cassette head cleaner on Ebay for £2, bought it and ran it for a few cycles and wouldnt you know, perfect cassette clarity restored once more! :D
Fortunately I have a stash of other 80s masterpieces in the attic so the dolby noise reduced goodtimes can once again roll! I always said these new fangled CDs and i music thingies would never last :banana:
Vinyl is coming back too, with MP3 you only get bits of the sounds.
I replaced the (broken) cd radio that was in my 90 when I bought it, and specifically looked for a cassette radio instead. Single CD players really aren't that great in cars- the discs usually end up rattling around loose somewhere getting scratched up, whereas cassettes are more compact and are somehow easier to keep in their cases.
I do have a 10-disc CD changer though which came with the radio. This works really well as you can just bung 10 CDs in there and switch between them on the head unit. Plus it's a miraculously perfect fit in the cubby box too so on long trips the passenger can swap discs around if necessary.
Cassettes are in the same category as VHS videos at car boot sales, nobody wants them, they're all there, Mantovani, Bing Crosby, Barry Manilowe the list is endless
My Disco 300 tdi still has its original radio cassette, can't bring myself to fit a cd radio etc as it would be the only modification the vehicle has so I play my MP3s through a radio transmitter. Daren't play my valuable and rare Five Star tapes on it in case they chew up.....and Woolworths has gone so I can't pretend to be 19 again and buy my weekly music fix.
oxide from the tape builds up on the head its a common problem in the day a tape head cleaning tape was a common bit of kit in my tool box, i started work as a sony walkman engineer lol most people had them next to their tapes at home but never used them if it doesnt clean it up decently use a clean bit of leather chammy glued onto a lolly stick dab it with meths then clean the tape heads and rubber rollers, good as new

i wont say what im putting into my car shortly but photos will be posted i love retro stuff :D:D
I play my MP3s through a radio transmitter.

I use a cassette adaptor- the type that's basically a cassette tape with a wire coming out of it. They seem to give a slightly better sound quality than FM transmitters, and of course there's no radio interference to worry about.
I've still got all my tapes. Has SL got a tape player? I've never really noticed or thought about it :eek:. Use my iPhone or CDs or just the radio.

Oh dear...this could be fun I'm out driving most of tomorrow I might dig them out :D
I think that if I really search up in the attic I might even find a couple of eight track cartridge tapes. The player went a long, long time ago.
you need isopropyl alcohol to clean tape heads, don't use anything other than a cotton swab, you can damage the head, especially head cleaning cassettes. I have a cassette player still but vinyl is my main source.

Have a look on gay bay, some tapes are now worth a fortune.

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