
Active Member
Hi All,

Apologies if this in the wrong place, it's not specific to Landy's but it will be used to rebuild one!

After much debate, and mucking around with a wire wheel followed by a paint brush, I have decided to splash out on an air compressor, sand blaster and spray gun - but I have no idea what to look for!

My plan is to strip the bulkhead and wheels etc using one of these:
with some form of abrasive powder - I have some reading to do on this bit... I think it may be too harsh for the other body panels but we'll see.

Then I want to spray it, this obviously requires a spray gun, but I have no idea which one. It's "only" a Landy in that I'm not expecting a mirror finish, but I still want it to look decent!
I'm thinking of this kit as a start but this isn't much more
The main difference I can see between the two is that the first feeds the paint from above the gun whilst the second feeds it from below - which is better? I'd normally assume the most expensive is the best but I see both styles at a variety of price points...
I know there are better spray guns out there, but to be honest they all look the same to me...
I'll be using Paddocks paint thinned down if that helps?

Finally, there is the compressor... I don't have any other air tools yet, but once I have the compressor I'm sure I'll be swayed by an air sander etc. This isn't an initial requirement but something to think of in future.
The spray gun needs at least 6cfm but the sand blaster needs a 3hp compressor. Although these are two different measurements, 3hp seems to be the larger compressor. Neither of these give me an idea of tank size though. The only advice I've found is to get the biggest I can afford, but I'd like to narrow this down a bit... The biggest thing I'll paint is a Landy, but probably not in one go...
Looking at the 3hp compressors, I have a choice between 50L and 100L: Will 50L be enough or should I spring for the 100L? Beyond this what should I be looking for? There is quite a spread in price and whilst I don't want to buy junk, I don't want to overspend either...

Thanks in advance!
I've just invested in air tools. After much searching I found the best deal to be this from SGS (UK manufacturer with great help line and best kit price - real quality)

I've also kitted myself out with loads of other tools - all dirt cheap and excellent. The greediest things are the rotational tools that spill air all of the time - cutters and grinders, they need a lot of air and a lot of air capacity. Even with the 3HP 14cfm compressor on 100 l tank it switches on very quickly and you do need to let it recover. For me, this is ok and going to a bigger compressor gets very expensive. Wish I'd got all this years ago.

Not tried spraying yet but to underseal gun I've got does Waxoyl nicely.
My advice would be find a local blast firm to do the big bits ! wot you looking at is only good enough for a die cast model ! you need a LOT of air to blast ! Air sander ! you would be better geting a lecy one ! wax oil / stone chip 100 ltr comp will do ok as it will spray ok as well , Spray gun , grav fed every time ! & if you wont to gaffer the job get a big ROAD compressor & a old receiver comp tank so you not thrashing the nuts of the comp when blasting !
Hi All,

Apologies if this in the wrong place, it's not specific to Landy's but it will be used to rebuild one!

After much debate, and mucking around with a wire wheel followed by a paint brush, I have decided to splash out on an air compressor, sand blaster and spray gun - but I have no idea what to look for!

My plan is to strip the bulkhead and wheels etc using one of these:
with some form of abrasive powder - I have some reading to do on this bit... I think it may be too harsh for the other body panels but we'll see.

Then I want to spray it, this obviously requires a spray gun, but I have no idea which one. It's "only" a Landy in that I'm not expecting a mirror finish, but I still want it to look decent!
I'm thinking of this kit as a start but this isn't much more
The main difference I can see between the two is that the first feeds the paint from above the gun whilst the second feeds it from below - which is better? I'd normally assume the most expensive is the best but I see both styles at a variety of price points...
I know there are better spray guns out there, but to be honest they all look the same to me...
I'll be using Paddocks paint thinned down if that helps?

Finally, there is the compressor... I don't have any other air tools yet, but once I have the compressor I'm sure I'll be swayed by an air sander etc. This isn't an initial requirement but something to think of in future.
The spray gun needs at least 6cfm but the sand blaster needs a 3hp compressor. Although these are two different measurements, 3hp seems to be the larger compressor. Neither of these give me an idea of tank size though. The only advice I've found is to get the biggest I can afford, but I'd like to narrow this down a bit... The biggest thing I'll paint is a Landy, but probably not in one go...
Looking at the 3hp compressors, I have a choice between 50L and 100L: Will 50L be enough or should I spring for the 100L? Beyond this what should I be looking for? There is quite a spread in price and whilst I don't want to buy junk, I don't want to overspend either...

Thanks in advance!
I'll second the suggestion to forget about blasting. I tried it. Whereabouts are you based? I know a few local blasters and can tell you who's best of a not very good bunch.
Thanks boguing, yeah after looking into it I don't think the blasting idea is going to work out...

I'm living in Durham now - I was near Dorking (Earlswood) but hadn't updated my profile! Nice part of the world down there - plenty of green lanes too!
Hmm, weird - it looks like 1/2 this thread has been deleted...

Anyway, quick catchup, I'm looking for a compressor for spraying, possibly the odd air tool but mainly spraying. I'm no longer worrying about blasting...
I've been persuaded that I need a 3hp motor but I'm not sure whether I need a 50l or a 100l tank - is such a huge tank needed with such a large motor?

I plan to make use of the VAT free offer on Clarke tools from Machine Mart so it's between these two compressors:

possibly this one if it'll cut the mustard?

Cheers :)
I love driving through the top of Earlswood, great mix of architecture, but Durham has its good points too...

Once you've met a few blasters you'll find that they tend to be a 'special' sort of person. You don't want to become a special sort of person.
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I talked to some people in the know, and they reckon that the Italians are pretty much the best at making compressors, and spending a little more would get me tangibly better quality than the badged Chinese ones. I'm limited to single phase, but run a few rotary tools and so went for a big tank to help carry me through the times that the compressor couldn't keep up. I went for this Abac, not ludicrously expensive by comparison, not too bad from a noise pov.

Thanks, that's a bit of a step up in price and out of my budget - but I note the 150L tank.

I also found another forum that said for air tools, running off the motor is fine but for spraying I should run off the tank as the air is cooler and less likely to pick up oil/moisture. i.e. buy a bigger tank for spraying but a bigger motor for tools - but a bigger motor will refill the tank quicker...

I think I'll spring for the Clarke Raider 15/1000, with the VAT free thing I should get it for £270 - does anybody know if it's actually VAT free or just 20% off? i.e. if I was able to buy it through a business and claim the VAT back could I get 40% off? :D
I found the manual online and it says it uses a 13amp plug; 15-1000 100l Air Compressor.pdf - I'll double check with Machine Mart though!

I'll couple it with this kit to get me started: but will probably upgrade the gun if I ever spray anything posher than a Landy!
I don't have a filtered spray booth so it seems a waste to spend loads on the gun...
We got this a year ago, used it virtually every day with no issues. Whatever you do get though I highly recommend ignoring the built in regulator/connections and install a 1/2" outlet via the inspection port (straight from tank) to a filter/water trap/regulator. The built in ones seem quite restrictive.

I know this one might be a bit dear but quality-wise they seem good.

All that said, I don't think any of these are man enough for blasting. For spraying you definitely want a filter/water trap
Ive got someone lined up to sandblast my chassis, wont be for a few weeks yet but will get a price off him, before that though. I'm in Durham too, will let you know how much when I see him
Cool, thanks for all the advice. My VAT free voucher has expired but I'm sure they'll send another one out shortly :D

An idea of costs on blasting the bulkhead would be helpful thanks border - no rush though, the Landy's been in bits for almost 4 years now!

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