Interesting symptons,.. just like mine. I put it down to dirty fuel at first and changed the filter and put some redex through the system. It still happens occaisionally and the only clue is the same fuel fault on the Nanocom. For me it started about 7 or 800 miles after an engine change and I suspected either a flake of debris in the system somewhere or an intermittant fault with the in tank pump, which whenever I test it flows perfectly. The MAF explanation would fit, I'll see if I have a spare and clean one up. Thanks for posting, it has been puzzling me for months.
I'll plug my autel mx 808 in and see what the MAF readings are. This has also been an issue for the last few years of ownership. A numb pedal occasionally when the aircon is in especially. Usually in the summer and a quick key off and on fixes the issue..
I have read that a dicky pedal potentiometer can cause this..
I'll plug my autel mx 808 in and see what the MAF readings are. This has also been an issue for the last few years of ownership. A numb pedal occasionally when the aircon is in especially. Usually in the summer and a quick key off and on fixes the issue..
I have read that a dicky pedal potentiometer can cause this..
Just don't turn on and off whilst driving, you don't want the steering lock coming on.:eek:;)

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