
New Member
Corrosion is showing along the bottom lip of the tailgate on my P38 - again.

Last year I buffed it back to what looked like clean metal, then primed and painted it but the area has continued to oxidise and it's looking as tatty as ever.

The back bumper is also discoloured with grey/brown streaks which, I believe, could be coming from the corroded panel. Other than replacing the tailgate, is there a solution to the problem, and what is the best way to restore the bumper to its original black?
I had the same problem but got a perfect tail gate on ebay for £20 including all the fittings. Cost another £120 to get it colour matched and refitted and it now looks new. According to the bodyshop you cannot repair those corroded bottom lips.
So when they say it cannot be repaired, does that mean there is no chemical treatment that can stop the metal oxidising?
So when they say it cannot be repaired, does that mean there is no chemical treatment that can stop the metal oxidising?

The problem with oxidization is it is a chemical reaction between the steel frame and the aluminium skin of the tailgate
The only way to get rid would be to re-skin the tailgate or cut out the oxidized part and replace it
Land rover in their wisdom have done this for years on ALL models over the years
This is why you see the problem on the bottom of defender doors,disco back doors etc. - a membrane between the steel/ali would have cured this at the point of manufacture for pennies :rolleyes:
New/second hand tailgate is the way forward I'm afraid
Unless of course you were unlucky enough to reverse into something and have to claim a new one on your insurance :D
Probably one of those "stand at the lounge bar with a dimpled beer mug round the wrong way on the way home from work"things, spoken authoritavely by someone who actually knows nothing, but I was advised by someone who works for landrover to spray "duck oil" into the doors and tailgate to help prevent just this reaction. The can says this is good for a couple of years or so but removing the panels is a breeze so what the hell. On the subject of tailgates: The plastic trim on the top edge of the lower tailgate on my P38 got wrecked by leaning stuff on it whilst loading. The lugs which attach it to the gate keep it proud so any load breaks the lugs. I've had to replace mine twice which I thought was plenty. The third time I just emptied a tube of silican all along it thus cushioning the plastic loadbearing part and taking the weight off the lugs.:) There, another piece of useless trivia. regards, P.S

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