As you are all aware, The ability to take the **** and have the **** taken out of each other is widly accepted on this forum. People come onto this forum to socialise and to ask for help when needed. It has been noted that just recently when people are asking for help they are being barraged with comments and posts that are neither helpful nor constructive.

It is one thing to take the micky out of a well established member who you may know. It is a different ball game when it comes to a newcomer asking for help and being told where to get off or what he or she should do with their choice of vehicle

We do not wish to discourage banter but please can you try and reserve it where possible for the general forums rather than the vehicle specific forums.

The Mods have a difficult enough job keeping the peace as it is. Please do not make their job any harder.

Many thanks
OI! I int cyclotic i'll have you know - i have at LEAST 2 eyes and they are both very nicely and symmetrically spaced across me face thank you!
OI! I int cyclotic i'll have you know - i have at LEAST 2 eyes and they are both very nicely and symmetrically spaced across me face thank you!

An I though it were Puffy that liked hosing up the ass:eek::eek:
this thread seems a bt like a game of Chinese wispers.....starts off as the title says, then currently is about verdigris
i am a junior member and i will take the **** taking although i haven't got a gaylander i have 2 series 3's instead 1 109 2.25 diesel (very slow) and 1 88 2.25 petrol (not sure what has happened to it but it revs awfully high and goes quick)

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