
The series 3 has a very harsh ride, speed bumps are a nightmare. Whilst it was up on the ramp for some works on the dif I realised that not only was she very wonky (knew that already) but that the off side rear bump stop was pretty much touching the axle even at rest.

Whilst saving up for new shocks and springs the guys at the garage suggested taking the huge bump stops off. Seems a reasonable plan but could it do any damage?

Input appreciated.

Are they bump stops or spring helpers? As above, they ain't standard...

If it's resting on it already removing it may make the spring sag further
They look very non-standard... might be time to fork out on some GBSprings parabolics if its sagging. The springs on there look to be paras but maybe they're the crappy ones that were around a few years ago that were made out of recycled cheese
Defo bump stops and not actually touching at rest, so the spring are holding at the angle shown. Not standard for sure and they are enormous. The garage seemed to think it was a obvious and good thing to do and they are well regarded specialist, but thought I'd ask here before taking them off...

Had a chat with GB Springs and it's on the list of things to do in the Autumn, but as a interim measyre to improve the ride is it worth trying?
look like spring helpers to me either for heavy loads or due to your saggy springs

edit: and a quick google shows... i am probably wrong and they are truck bump stops :D

why not rip em off and stick standard on and see how the springs react.. they might have been put on to hide that dodgy spring
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@trax wouldn't spring helpers be attached to both the chassis and the axle? These are only attached to the chassis and appear to be just lumps of rubber rather than having a piston in them. Springs indeed saggy though :(
@trax wouldn't spring helpers be attached to both the chassis and the axle? These are only attached to the chassis and appear to be just lumps of rubber rather than having a piston in them. Springs indeed saggy though :(

@coldsmoker yeah think i was wrong #theshame #allifeistwitter :D
Well I've chopped the bottom "doughnut" off as sugested and given it a clutch around the block where most of the speed bumps and humps are and it's made a considerable difference. Those that warned me off taken them off completely were probably right, but halved they can still do their job but there is a bit more travel.

Still need to keep saving for the new springs though...
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as already suggested they are spring assisters

Aeon spring assisters

if you remove them you'll need to take an angle grinder to your axle to remove the cups that have been welded on for them to contact and stay in place, if you don't grind the cups off when you change to standard bumpstops you may find they wear oddly

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