Why not? I must admit, although they get slagged to ****, I'm looking at them :eek:

A rangy is too big, as is a disco. Defenders are too noisy, as are series. a 3dr hardback would suit me fine I reckon.
if ya can't afford to buy a landy - what chance is there you can afford to keep it running ?

they do have a habit of costing a good few quid, just when you least expect it or are able to afford it, methinks a sensible small car would be a better more sensible option
if ya can't afford to buy a landy - what chance is there you can afford to keep it running ?

they do have a habit of costing a good few quid, just when you least expect it or are able to afford it, methinks a sensible small car would be a better more sensible option

The initial purchase price is the problem. Insurance is £72 a month, for all the miles I'd do on Shiftys patented homebrew fuel isn't a problem. I'm handy enough with a set of spanners/sockets. I understand parts need to be bough and they go wrong which is why I was being a bit fussy and looking for a good one so it (hopefully) wouldn't need anything doing to it for the forseeable future.
Why not? I must admit, although they get slagged to ****, I'm looking at them :eek:

A rangy is too big, as is a disco. Defenders are too noisy, as are series. a 3dr hardback would suit me fine I reckon.

I had a Disco II, lovely lovely car and I love the V8's but couldn't afford to run one so went for one with LPG. What a nightmare that was, instead of enjoying it and putting a smile on my face like it should have done it made me miserable and gave me many a sleepless night.

I spent a fooking fortune trying to get to the bottom of the LPG problem which zapped my funds for other repairs, I even went hungry for days at a time due to lack of money. I wanted a nice straight Defender, simple yet bulletproof 200TDi so I can fix it myself without all the fancy electrikery.

I guess it being vandalised and the insurance company writing it off was a blessing in disguise.
The initial purchase price is the problem. Insurance is £72 a month, for all the miles I'd do on Shiftys patented homebrew fuel isn't a problem. I'm handy enough with a set of spanners/sockets. I understand parts need to be bough and they go wrong which is why I was being a bit fussy and looking for a good one so it (hopefully) wouldn't need anything doing to it for the forseeable future.

you'll be needing to either wait a long time - or be spending 4-5 grand on one
Yup, I realise that now but I was secretly hoping a 'little gem' would come along. Stupid I know, but it does happen.

yer they turn up, but not on ebay or LR forums

a got a 92 90 with less than 40k on the clock, near mint from a local retired farmer for much less than a grand a while back - it'll be a while before another one of those comes along
Thats exactly what I was hoping on, trouble is, farmers up here think everything is worth a fortune. :( so I was banking on someone who had more money than sense that owned one for the sake of owning one and didn't realise what it was worth when they came to sell it. :) I've been looking for about 6 months and there has been nothing like that in the local papers/ads. In fact, very few Defenders at all. :(

Here I was looking for an answer to my smokin' 3-cylinder disco problems, and somehow the search led me to this thread, but I'm so glad it did :)

I am still ready to torch the disco, but had such a PML moment it was well worth the visit.

How the hell did you lot keep your cool for so long??

My day certainly got brighter :hysterically_laughi

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