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Should the tailgate regulator/ window runners sit hard against the guide top with the glass up or should the glass top out first allowing the motor to stall and the current cut out to activate. Only I have just taken our regulator out as it's jammed. On inspecting the cables there was no corrosion or damage but one of the tensioning springs was fully compressed and in the up posistion the window runners were hard against the runner tops.

Not sure what you mean, the runners find their own level when its all assembled with the clamps and glass in place. There is a bit of play in the runner height when the spindle/regulator is unbolted eg. cables are slack.

When its together and bolted in, the cables are taut, the cables for up and down counter rotate, as one shortens the other lengthens and so on.

Have you a pic, of the guide you are talking about?

Window is calibrated, usually after a battery disconnection, on re-connection the tailgate drops with a beep from the dash, you just wind it fully up again

Its the runner the bit the glass bolts to they were hard up against the top of the tracks to the extent that one of the springs on the cable next to the motor was fully compressed and the plastic (blue) was broken around the top. Hope that helps if not will take picture this weekend.


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