
New Member
Hi All
Before anyone launches into do a search, i have and cant find any reference to my fault.

Its a 2000 discovery td5 ES

Problem is I can't get into the boot as the locks are not opening. If when i lock the car I double lock it ie 2 presses of the lock button on the keyfob, i cant unlock the tailgate.

after much fiddling with the interior handle i can sometimes get it open. sometimes i need to remove the inner trim and unlock it that way.

If i just single lock it ie one press of the lock button on keyfob then the next time i unlock the car it will unlock the tailgate OK.

Now Im assuming its just a weak spring in the lock the same as the normal door locks SO is the spring for the tailgate lock the same part number as the door springs OR am i barking up the wrong tree??

Anyone else had a similar problem??

The lock spring is a D1 issue so it's N/A for your D2 but according to the forums a faulty D2 rear lock it's a common problem and repair is as for all the locks, replacement.
There are a few threads on this subject. :)
Had same prob with my '99 td5 a couple of weeks ago, trolley full of shopping in tesco car park, all doors would open except rear!! After much swearing and a red face had to throw shopping on back seats and drive off. On arriving home went to rear door and as if by magic the fecker opened! Anyhows, I've sprayed all locks and catches with wd 40 and had no probs as yet, fingers crossed.
there are many threads on this :)
strip it & soak in brake cleaner then liberally grease & refit...this worked on mine for a year, but in the end it started making me alarm play up so i replaced it
Thanks all for the replys....still can't find the threads, must be my dodgy computer lol.

How much to replace?? had a quick look on ebay but cant find any.


bout £60 i think, only 3 torx bolts hold it in....use decent bits though! one of mine snapped in a head & i had to weld a nut onto it-nice mess of the door edge!
£60 :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

It can stay broke for a bit longer, im still recovering form nearly £200 for my rear ace pipes.

Ill just shove my daughter into the boot when ever i need it opened :D

Brian, before you give up this is a common problem, I had the same with my '99 TD5. Prize the LR badge from the rear door handle and spray into the hole liberaly with WD40. My door was stuck solid, wouldn't open at all from inside or out, and this resolved it completely 18 months ago with no problems since.

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