
Recently I've not been able to lock or unlock the tailgate door using the remote locking system. I unlock the door and have to use the key in the tailgate door in the unlock position before I can open the door. I thought the problem was down to the solenoid so I bought a replacement. Installed the replacement and the situation is unchanged. I don't know if there is a specific relay for the tailgate solenoid and am now concerned the problem may be down to the mechanism, it seem there may be a spring or link missing but cannot decifer the photos in the Haynes book.

Please help it's getting so I have to carry a spare key to open the tailgate or I have to switch off the engine every time.

One of the symptions of a broken door lock spring is the inner door pin rises and then drops back down 1/2 way or so when the door is unlocked, relocking the door so the key then has to be used.
That's exactly what's happening, any idease where I can see pictures to help work out where the spring should be?
Yes it does sound like a broken lock spring and L/R don't sell them only a complete lock. There is a spring manufacturer making them and sells them through ebay can be bought singular or as a 5 door set, comes with full instructions. If you search 'Discovery door lock springs' should find them. If not I will look out the last lot I bought for a name.:)
I did mine a few months ago (it wasn't raining then). I took some pictures of the mechanism for reference just in case I got stuck when putting it all back. Getting the spring in was a bit fiddly. I am now waiting for one of the other doors to go...:doh:
Got a tailgate spring off ebay the other day, just waiting for it to stop raining now.

Do you have a link or any contact details of where you got the springs from as i can't find anything on ebay ...any help will get mucho big thanks is where I got mine. Rear door lock is a bit difficult to get out of the door once the retaining bolts / screws are removed - Try tilting it forwards a bit and eventually after much cursing, it slides out. Take pics with your phone as best you can to make sure you can remember where the rods clip back into.
Redlawn - I've replaced all mine as a precaution ( 2 had gone anyway) - once you start its a lot easier as you kinda get in the zone and becomes more obvious what needs doing, rather than doing one at a time

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