
New Member
I know its a bodge and no substitute for replacement or refinishing but does anyone make a cover or trim for the bottom of the P38 tailgate in either plastic (rubber?) or s/steel? Poss something like along the bottom of a RR sport tailgate. Just thought it might look a bit better then all the bubbles and lifting paint!
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I have found this on ebay looks pretty nice, if you like chrome - :D


I know this is advertised for a differant landrover, but he also caters for the P38

sadly some people dont like the word chrome and range rover to be used in the same sentence :screaming_bug_eye_f

Can rub it down to either get rid the chrome, or paint it matt black to go with the rubbing strip or body colour. It dont look too bad. Would be subtle enough to have as chrome
Yes I know it's a thread from the dead but has anyone fitted these I'm thinking it will tidy up the boot a bit a respray would be best but I like a bit of chrome
I know chrome is hated but a wee bit of subtle bling is OK? If not I don't care I'ml the one driving. Plus I'm looking at that for the rubber door strips as I'm not paying £100+ to swap for ones with the chrome already fitted.

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