
New Member
Just today when i was moving my car down the yard to wash it the tailgate dropped down on its own and opens the boot door slightly but when I got out to open the door and try to close it, the handle wouldn't let it open.

Decided then to unscrew the handle and have a look inside but no wires seemed to be corroded or anything.

Also noticed that when I had the handle pulled out it worked fine but when I screwed it up in again it worked fine for a few times but it then did the same thing again drops down as if someone is opening it and then I cant get the handle to work unless i unscrew it again.

If it makes any difference it mainly seems to drop down when I go to switch the car off from running.

Anyone any ideas? Is it a new handle i need?
I would remove the door panel and check the connections inside the door to the dor catch may be a issue there.
could be a bad earthing problem in the door I know if you undo the battery the rear window will drop down as soon as you reconect itbut the door coming open sounds like the switch itself

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