Yup, though none solving my problem!
I've spent a bit of time researching your problem on the ordinary internet and have found feck all really.
I expect the tacho will need a connection to the road speed indicator connection to the OBD2, but I don't know which one that is. Maybe your mate knows.
I hate electronics altho i am having to learn 'em as the wretched vehicle seems to spend a lot of its time thinking up new electronic problems.
I'm fine with mechanical stuff!
I wonder if @sierrafery might know as he is the whizz on D2s and especially the electronix.:)
I've spent a bit of time researching your problem on the ordinary internet and have found feck all really.
I expect the tacho will need a connection to the road speed indicator connection to the OBD2, but I don't know which one that is. Maybe your mate knows.
I hate electronics altho i am having to learn 'em as the wretched vehicle seems to spend a lot of its time thinking up new electronic problems.
I'm fine with mechanical stuff!
I wonder if @sierrafery might know as he is the whizz on D2s and especially the electronix.:)
I know right? Pain in the butt!
This aside, I have a door actuator that locks but doesn't unlock, a window lock switch that doesn't, a rear window that works both ways on the rear switch and only down on the front switch... grrrr!
I know right? Pain in the butt!
This aside, I have a door actuator that locks but doesn't unlock, a window lock switch that doesn't, a rear window that works both ways on the rear switch and only down on the front switch... grrrr!
Welcome to our world!!!
I need a tachograph because my train weight is over 3.5t and it's not for personal use. I don't need a DCPC because it's not a bus, coach or lorry and because I am not a professional driver.
Interesting, I didn't think that constituted needed a tacho... But then I have never really looked into it. Towed and scrapped quite a discos in my time
It absolutely does. A lot of people think they're exempt. Unfortunately if you enter into conversation with DVSA (as I did when trying to make sure I was exempt) it turns out they're wrong.
You got away with it - good for you - but so you're warned if there is money involved you need a tachograph - if you get caught you may get off with a warning. Equally they may (a) issue you a 4 grand fine and (b) issue a stop notice on the trailer until you return with a tachographed vehicle.

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