
Well-Known Member
What with so many simultaneous threads about a ramble here or there or anywhere.
I have now lost the plot as to what happens next and what dates have been agreed on.
Please help a old T.O.S.S.E.R's keep up and someone let me know what the F**k is happening.

Confused of somewhere in the South.
As far as I remember 26th August we're off to Salisbury. No further details yet, like where we're meeting up and the like.

September we're talking about a trip to Kent........Though just to confuse things further it's Sodbury in September too & I wouldn't be surprised if there was another impromptu sesh' after a hard day's bargain hunting.

And well done Clive, there's now another TOSSERs fred for people to be bemused by! :rolleyes:
I needed that to cleared up it was urting me ed.

May i sugest that we start a TOSSERS calendar thread (Sorry just one more) so i dont have to read through a couple of hundred comments to pick out the dates.
So once 3 or more of us agree on a date it can be posted etc etc and details worked out.
they is an ickle problemette wiv that Clive - the fred will last all of 4 postings before it discusses Catz luv life, wot beers are on spesh offer in the gaylanders or summat equally important.
We could respectfully ask Daft not to keep starting spurious threads down this neck of the woods, that might help? Or use PMs 'till anything approaching concrete is decided on? Or stay on topic...............Nah, yer right, pointless!
dont blame me fur goin orf topic - i just started a new fred fur each trip. I cant help it if it wanders a bit;)
How about i put up a web page somewhere with contact details and the next trip listed etc.

What do you think?
coo! - dats a good idea.....

oooh! - yu have! its already dere:D

but yu have to know the date to find it - dont yu?
Well I never knew we had a colander on here! Sure we can work it somehow. 'PM a tosser', ha ha!
No i cant.. but i AM concentratin on tryin to finish the dot to dot mondo sent me yesterday... I can't do everything at once ffs..


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