
New Member
I'm looking for advice on the wiring for a tmax dual battery system.

I wired the system as per in very small diagram in the instruction booklet. See attached file.

The control unit wiring has four cables, red +ve on main battery, black -ve on main battery, blue +ve on aux battery and green to terminal on solenoid. I made the rest of the battery connections to the solenoid and started to connect the battery terminals, -ve's first, then the aux +ve and finally the main +ve.

On making the last connection the red, black and blue wires melted up the control panel connection.

I have since rechecked the wiring against the diagram and cannot find any mistakes in the way I connected it up.

I am at a loss as to where I went wrong.

Has anyone any suggestions or advice and is the unit salvageable?


  • wst-75-0926-dual-battery-system.pdf
    333.5 KB · Views: 218
I think you may find you have posted this in an inappropriate section of the forum mate, not to worry though I'm sure a mod will be along soon to move it to a better section for you to get advise.

In the mean time perhaps you'd like to do an introduction thread as the local wildlife can get narky if you don't.

Welcome to Landyzone :)
You may want to post your request in the section relevant to your vehicle. ie, if your split system is in a Defender, post in the Defender section. You may get more answers.

Dan beat me to it
If it melted the supply and earth wires there's a fair chance its Muller'd , be honest and send it to tmax they may just offer a service exchange at a fair price once you have a new control unit , then ask someone with electrical know how to check it prior to connection , if your near south wales i will happily check the wiring prior to going hot ,
The diagrams isn't great. Did you fit the wires with the solenoid the right way up and did you include the jump wire on the solenoid?
You say you connected it correctly but it definitely sounds like you fed it too many volts there chap.

You sure you didn't touch summit to summit you shouldn't have? Accidents do happen. Or the unit could be faulty. :confused:

Post some pictures if the wiring is still how it was when it blew.
I've checked and rechecked the wiring and it's definitely as shown inthe diagram. I set the main +ve terminal on by hand so definitely didn't short anything. Saw a previous thread about the solenoid being connected the wrong way, so was aware of that before I started. I have removed the wiring already but have attahed a photo of the remains. Thanks for the offer to check the wiring, but based in NI.


  • 20140104_161407.jpg
    252.9 KB · Views: 612
Have you got anything else connected to your second battery? Have you checked the voltage of the 2nd battery?
I have the same tmax set up and it has worked faultlessly since it was fitted.i did however manage to fry the loom to the battery's/solenoid when i had unplugged the control unit and the loom dropped down onto a bolt in the dash and earthed out.just rewired it and it worked perfect again.
Nothing else connected to 2nd battery

get a meter on it and check the output.

It definitely sounds like the unit has received more voltage than it should have. Like 200 said, there could have been a short somewhere.

Did you install the solenoid the right way up?

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