It may well polish out but I think you will find that one of the seals in the door may well have deformed slightly... I know i may not look like i but you could find it lets in water in the future.

TCUT + rubber seal and you should be good to go.

WHAT THE F hit that.. .or rather... what didnt.
Oh dash! I was quite happy that there were no sunroofs that were likely to let in the occasional drip... forgot about the door seals. But you reckon everything else should be ok? Excellent.

I have it on good authority that no trees were damaged in the making of those dents. :D
Hang on hooooold your horses...

I was on youtube and I think you can solve all of this with...

A can of compressed air and a hair drier.....

I can just imagine the insurance report:

8:52 turned right out of drive way and collided with a lamp post. It wasn't there yesterday. Honest.

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