My disco does not light up abs and rc when ignition is on and after getting stuck in mud in Sunday and having to get winched out embarrassing for a 4x4 no diff lock on lever help please
you need to plug in a tester to check the light circuits and fault codes, did you see those warnings before or you bought it this way , cos then the lamps might be "blanked" or disabled to hide the system fault
Tbh I never nnoticed it when I bought it this car being trouble since I got it had new brakes new front bearing now a rear gone got a vibe or a balance noise then car stuck in mud just topped it off low range and stuck I pressed the hill decent button it bonged but no light but when ignition is turned 2 it lights up then goesout
i presume you see the green HDC light at the top on self test not the amber one at the bottom... anyway, only a tester can help
So.. do you know if the TC actually works or not? TC is pretty damn awesome, and it can certainly help out tyres which don't have a particularly aggressive tread pattern. Where it falls down, and where a centre difflock falls down too for that matter, is when the mud is deep enough to bottom out the differentials enough to stop any bulldozing action from the Landy. If and when you try a diagnostic out, post up the results ;)
Well had it on a snap on tester waiting for a lr tester to be plugged in abs power was disconnected but still no abs light nor tc light not sure how the hill decent works put it in low box pushedbutton 3 bongs but no light saying iit's active but had dash out noticed there was two resistors on the back of the board looks like someone tried by passing the lights not sure yet
HDC works by bringing the Landy down to a safe, preset speed (it's set in the electronics!) without locking the wheels. You can test it on a flat road by say accelerating in 3rd (still in low box or else it doesn't work!) then shutting off - the Landy will then apply the ABS to bring the speed back down rather than just letting engine braking do it. Of course, on a steep slope, engine braking alone might not be enough to prevent the Disco from picking up speed on the overrun, hence it applies the brakes for you. Similarly on a slippery slope, engine braking may cause a wheel to lock up, so the HDC will prevent this in order that you'll have directional control (in theory!), whilst it slows the vehicle down.

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