
New Member
:)i managed to find a used synergy 2 a for £ 65 it came yesterday & fitted it today on settin 3 first imprestions are wow what a diffrence no flat spot or hesatation a smooth power delivery impresive throttle responce no smoke either very happy i have not changed the maf as yet dont think ill need to as theams seem fine now wunder if economy will be better smiling again now :)
Try setting 5 mate great fun I use eco setting most of the time then flick switch in cab to give me the full beans for some fun
£65, what a bargain!!!!

I fitted mine last week, still got the dash switch to fit. Tried it on setting 5 and was well impressed. Have filled the tank and put it on setting 1 to see what mpg I get.
it was a right bargain mate it doesnt have a in cab switch tho but i not worried about that wr do you guys locate the bax i have mine in ecu box
I've just got it cable tied out of the way just now but will put it in the ecu box to tidy it up once I've got the dash switch fitted.
mines fitter top right corner of engine bay look

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