Fake Elvis

New Member
Hello All,

Just i though would bore you with my latest fuel economy figures post synergy 2 install.

1st Tank 37.79 mpg
2nd Tank 37.25 mpg
3rd Tank 33.47 mpg

All are with Shell "Fuel Save" diesel and Millers eco power max additive... not sure about the glitch on the last tank (impending problem maybe!) I did do a bit more town driving, but my usual route to work could be the ideal real world, mixed driving, fuel economy test of town driving then motorway then country road over 35 miles.

Look fforward to your comments/abuse etc...:D
Ha ha i thought it was just one of your usual cheery remarks!

I'm only really offensive to people I know very well or people that are complete fookin cocks.......I dont know yer that well yet ! and yer not a cock although you have one foot on the ladder of nobbishness drivin a discovery .......waits fer the abuse to begin :D:D:D:D
I'm only really offensive to people I know very well or people that are complete fookin cocks.......I dont know yer that well yet ! and yer not a cock although you have one foot on the ladder of nobbishness drivin a discovery .......waits fer the abuse to begin :D:D:D:D

I didn't see any spammer. I rekon yer making it up.:p:p:p
I drive a Freelander (Clue in the signature...) would like a Disco 3, would like a series 3 but am too big/fat/tall to fit in...
I drive a Freelander (Clue in the signature...) would like a Disco 3, would like a series 3 but am too big/fat/tall to fit in...

FFS don't tell him that.:doh::doh::doh:

Now he can say he knows you well and yer gonna get a mouthfull of Dorsetshire, web foot, six toed abuse.:rolleyes::p
I drive a Freelander (Clue in the signature...) would like a Disco 3, would like a series 3 but am too big/fat/tall to fit in...
i'm 6ft2 and erm quite a lot of stone and can still drive ( when its working ) a series !
Well thats one step off the nobbishness ladder then a gaylander beats a dischavvery everytime :D:D:D
FFS don't tell him that.:doh::doh::doh:

Now he can say he knows you well and yer gonna get a mouthfull of Dorsetshire, web foot, six toed abuse.:rolleyes::p

hows yer landy ratty....still ave all the windows in it ......snigger :D

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