Nah, you were spot on really, i am just one of those poeple that can't help getting to the deep technical detail, and i had an hour and bottle of plonk to kill so i thought i would share what i knew. Seems that it has helped quite a few understand it a bit better.

Sadly it seems that this aspect still plagues Land Rover even today. The Disco 3 and Range Rover Sport suffer from a problem where the mirrors can't keep track of their stored positions and wander around. The service bulletin for it states replacement of the seat and mirror memory module under the drivers seat for an updated version.
I have not investigated this further but i would bet vast amounts that the earlier version had software that did not take EEPROM endurance into account and the later one does.

I see there is actually another current thread about this common problem that adds to the RF interference theory

I particularly liked reading how matter of factly he plugged his Rovacom in and did the business as usual ;)

Interesting he had it happen on a GEMS too. I once believed that it did not affect them for some reason, but was persuaded by Rick the Pick that it did and so have, as stated, done a GEMS version which despite being addied only a few days ago, is now whizzing off the shelves as much as the others.

bigneil, glad to help chap.
Thanks for the input ;-)
I am guessing that you now feel a whole lot happier having the Sync Mate in the glove box

Technically, you should be correct in that one would expect it would start to happen more and more frequently. However i have not seen anyone who has a vehicle on which it happens any more than occasionally. I guess anyone who ends up with it happening less than once a weelk or so might look for a more convenient solution.
But that being said, since it takes only seconds to plug in and a couple of seconds waiting for the Blue LED to turn Green signifying that the job is done, you would really need to have a real bad case to consider hard wiring one in.
Sorted. Thanks for all the help and advice on this forum. BBSGuy, what can I say.... magical device.
I reckon there defo is a link between the front central locking and a out of sync BECM, Passenger door would not work on CL, after resync, all working again....
Fecking Hevac Chequebook symbol has come now!
Hiya Canyon
magical device
How most very eloquently put. :)

Thank you :eek:
I am of course glad that it sorted you out, not that i was ever in any doubt, and i guess you now also understand why i said you really have no need to permanently wire it in. But as j the range says, i bet you will never ever leave home in your P38 without it now.

I know you did a bit of searching for the best possible deal to save a few quid, but i guess now you have it and see what it's all about first hand you realize just what it is worth any price.
How can you compare the cost of the sync mate against the aggro and cost possibility (if not inevitability) of being stranded miles from no where with a non starting P38, sods law dictating it to be most likely at the worst possible time.

You know, your Magic comment actually strikes quite some chord with me as i will explain.

I may well thought it up, personally designed the circuit and PCB layout for it and organized it's physical aspects right from concept to mass production. And while i did not actually write the code for it myself, delegating that to one of my programmers, i did do all the dev work required and laid out what the code needed to do and exactly how it would / should do it and then oversaw it's development from start to finish, including all problem solving, EG while being plugged in, its possible that the user may momentarily apply power before being fully and properly inserted, as such i had a second or two's delay added before it tries to do its stuff to give the user time to fully insert it.

But at the end, when it's all finished and working, and when i finally get to see one of the finished articles do its stuff, along with the obviously immense amount of self satisfaction and pride one naturally gets from knowing you done good, i really do get just a little tingle down my spine, and i absolutely and definitely experience that little Magic effect myself.

Anyway, sorry for the moment of self ingratiation there, just wanted you to know that i really do know what you mean, and once again, i am so glad that you are all smiles now.

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