
New Member
hi guys
its a first on here to ask for help on my trusty r r 1994 tdi but always needing help on my td5!anyway ive found oil all over the drive from my o/s swivel hub i remember reading about cutting the seal to fit it as a short cut to me taking it to the garage and charging me a couple of hours a side ,has anyone done this? does it work? is it easy to do?.thanks for your help in advance
If its just the hub gasket they cost about 20p and are a 15min job to put on. If its the seal they're a couple of quid.
I saw a write up about cutting oil seal so it could be fitted without removing chrome ball/swivel housing.
The cut was positioned at the top where least likely to leak.

I guess this is a quick fix however the underlying cause of seal damage will have to be addressed sooner or later. This looks like a temproary repair.


Common cause of the swivel ball seal to wear is rust on the ball which acts like an abraisive. If this is the case, you can replace the ball swivel with a re-chromed one and fit a new seal OR carry out the LR approved "Fix" which entails draining the oil from the swivel housing and refilling with a "One Shot" sachet of special grease (Per side) that is available from all LR parts stockists-including Main Stealers....Just cut the corner of the sachet and squirt it into the filler hole on the swivel housing.
thanks for your replys i put one shot in about two years ago and it did do the job but the seal must be really bad now as most of it is on the floor.
Do it once and do it right!

Wheel off
Caliper off and tied out the way.
Disconnect steering arm

on the end of the axle there is a ring of bolts that when undone allow you to remove the entire hub and shaft in one hit, then take said assembly and place it disc down/shaft up in a bucket.

You can then undo the ring of bolts around the hub that hold the hub seal in, whip out the old and put the new one on in one piece!

Whole job takes about an hour and a half!

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