
Could any of you experts advise me on the correct oil or grease to use in the swivel hubs of my 95 series1 300tdI Disco, have seen packets of "One Shot" grease for sale instead of using oil, any experience or comments would be appreciated

Drain any existing oil and use One-Shot grease.
What sorta grease is one shot then ?
I've got agrigrease an lithium an general grease so what is it then?
I'll however give you a reason to use EP80/90 gear oil instead.
One shot grease was introduced in later Discovery's.
But the downside is that when you come to service your car next time round there is no acual way of seeing how much grease is left in there, What condition it's in and if there is any contaminants.
The lubrication properts of oil in the CV joint are also much better than grease.
But one-shot does allow for weapy seals and pitted balls... (O'er)
If oil can come out then water can go in which is bad news, so if you do any wading another reason to use oil in swivels is that you'll know when the seals need replacing.
We always use EP90...deffo recommend it. The swivels I just rebuilt had some sort of heavy duty grease. Good because it doesn't leak out, bad because it had set to a solid mass at the bottom of the swivel housing and was doing bugger all really!
that's what "one shot" is - just pre-mixed for you and in a handy container with just the right amount for one swivel.


how much do you put in one swivel,or what size does the one shot packet hold or do you just put in as much as you can get in
Swivel balls should be filled with 0.35 Litres (3/4 of a pint).
The one-shot sachets, contain 370g by weight which is also correct.

If you overfill, the excess will be forced out, even past new seals, and end up on your brake discs - trust me, I know!
Swivel balls should be filled with 0.35 Litres (3/4 of a pint).
The one-shot sachets, contain 370g by weight which is also correct.

If you overfill, the excess will be forced out, even past new seals, and end up on your brake discs - trust me, I know!

i never thought of that cheers
Doing a complete vehicle lub change at the moment (the diff oil came out looking like it had been there from new 140k miles ago! No contamination, but the oil itself had defintely begun to break down) and the last job is the swivel hubs, which I'm going from oil to one-shot. Checking on various forums it seems theres a good point made that with oil you know if your seals are leaking, but you could miss that with grease... also, some people had commented that they thought the grease might also not splash around enough. But there also seems to be no sound evidence of anything suffering due to lack of splash lubrication, just some anecdotal that it might not work as well in some applications. Now that I've bought it I'm thinking that if oil has worked in the swivels since 1984 perfectly well, maybe I should have just stuck with it. Judging from the drain plugs, it's never had an actual swivel hub oil change - but the oil was as clean as a whistle when it came out. It also makes me wonder how in future I'll know if theres plenty still in - as being grease it won't flow to a level, and if you top up with EP90 presumably that would thin the grease, changing it's properties and defeating the whole point of the excercise. BUT I think the whole idea is that you can forget about it thereafter apart from periodic inspection?

"Hmm...I wonder what the wife would think to me using the measuring jug out of the kitchen for that!" - yes she will, I can vouch for that. They also get upset :blabla: at you using them for (clean) engine oil I've discovered....:behindsofa:

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