Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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As above, I'd like a swingaway wheel carrier for my 90. Been making one for a while but somehow can't get it right! So, not bothered about finish, old, worn, even bent and broken, so long as it's cheap!

Preferably near Doncaster .. ;)
Took mine off just over two years ago when I started the rebuild. It's not going back on, but I'm a long way from you. I live about 26 miles North of Newcastle.


It's rusty, but would clean up or shot blast ok.
If paul doesnt go for this im interested ,where are you based as my dad and brother live down that way
Nothing. If Paul doesn't want it I'll drop it off at your Dad's next week.
Thats very good of you ,see what paul says first
No problem. I bought it from Paddocks ten years ago. Seems like yesterday :rolleyes: It's been in the garden shed for the last 2 1/2 years. The shed is very dry, but the joints have gone tight. I should imagine they'll slacken up fine. They've got grease nipples too, so will be ok.
As you say, we'll see what Paul want to do.
Heh, we've just come back from Hartlepool and Middlesborough, if I'd read LZ I'd have driven further up to collect it! Bit too far right now so please let chrisstdt have it ... ;)
Anyone want a Brand New Britpart Swingaway wheel carrier that is still in its box and has never been put on a vehicle? New it was £200 so offer of about £120 please.
@chrisstdt Evening mate. Crikey, I can't believe 8 years have gone by since we posted about this :eek:
Did you ever get the wheel carrier fitted?

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