
years ago when I had a Garage there used to be a huge ancient tin of orange Swarfega full of little bits that would get anything off your hands after a hard day of spanner wielding, it was fantastic.

I was just wondering if its still the best stuff to use or if something better has come along?

Im about to order something as Im tired of standing in the shower for half an hour at a time scrubbing my hands (arms, face etc) with a nail brush, fairy liquid and whatever other kitchen cleaners I can find :D
IF you can find any , the cream from safety klean is great , rinse the sink out properly though it can build up and block .
a squirt of fairy liquid and half a handful of washing machine powder. smells better than swarfega too.
I got sone hand cleaner. But it my hands that dirty i use washing powder with bit of fairy, And use a washing up sponge backed scourer. works a treat
any soap with sawdust mixed in ......comma used to do a handcleaner , orange with plastic grains in that was good but not seen it for a while ....detergent or solvent types will dry your hands right out until the skin cracks up (and not laughing)....I used washing up liquid or surf for years and got some lovely dermatitis from it now
I use Swarfega but I have found if I rub it in and leave it to soak into my hands then use a nail brush it cleans perfectly.
THe green swarfega doesn't clean hands too well but I've found it gets stains out of clothes, got some motor oil on a good set of jeans so put some on and it came right out :)

THe orange one with bits in it works much better, plus the pump is helpful cos you don't have to keep unscrewing the lid
You'll all be catching 20/50 oil cancer or something. So like all the mechanics do now, wear bum inspection gloves! You hands can be as good as the wife's (if she uses Fairy of course).
You'll all be catching 20/50 oil cancer or something. So like all the mechanics do now, wear bum inspection gloves! You hands can be as good as the wife's (if she uses Fairy of course).

I have to use the blue nitrile gloves otherwise i dont clean my hands just pull the skin off. Good job durex dont use same quality in their products as glove makes for the use they are
any soap with sawdust mixed in ......comma used to do a handcleaner , orange with plastic grains in that was good but not seen it for a while ....detergent or solvent types will dry your hands right out until the skin cracks up (and not laughing)....I used washing up liquid or surf for years and got some lovely dermatitis from it now

Hey cheers for the heads up man I use anything and everything including some pretty nasty solvents that say they can be an irritant to the skin with the logic of: well it doesnt seem to be irritating my skin -YET

Think i'll stop using the solvents now and get me a big tub of orange bitty swarfega.
get some deb products from arco parkers greenham etc.Good stuff.And buy some barrier cream.
Talking of gloves, I used to use the blue ones too as I got a big pack free from a chip shop, but ive always found that they are ****e as they rip as soon as you go to do anything, and at the end of the day you take them off and you have partially clean hands with really filthy index fingers and thumbs! are there any good ones worth getting?

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