
New Member
Hi all,
Newby here, so please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong forum. We used to have a heavily modified Series2 / Series 3 (we never found out which) 30 years ago while based in Sardinia and Cyprus, but had to sell it on return to UK. There's been a Landrover shaped gap in our lives ever since, so we're looking for a reasonable TD5 Defender 90. I'm not a gifted mechanic (!), so am looking to buy from a reasonable and reliable dealer, and have come across Sussex Defenders. Has anyone used them or got any knowledge of the business?
Many thanks in advance for any int!
I do not know of them, but think you will find there is no such thing as a trusted and reliable car dealer anywhere in the world never mind the UK.
I dont know about your area, but car prices are a bit silly at the minute, whether this is the new norm or not I cannot say.

Probably better to join a few of the land rover forums and keep an eye on the for sale sections.
Avoid! Only a mobile number, no land line, no postal address, no company number on the website. You would not be able to hold them to anything.
There's a post code on their facebook page. About 10/15 miles from me, nice area if it's real. The page itself has a ring of truth about it.
That FB page is full of tosh. They have few cars available and promote their business by plagiarising Land Rover photographs with H.M. Lilibet at the wheel. I know of no other second hand car sales establishment that does this. Wouldn't buy from them out of principle...far too many correctly priced LRD's out there to choose from.
Hi sorry might be late to reply but I used Sussex defenders to buy my 90. He’s a genuine bloke and he knows his landys after speaking to him on the phone and him sending me extra photos I traveled 300 miles to look at it and done a deal. I travelled back up a week later after transfering the money through bacs ans picked up the Landy.
Sussex Defenders isn't listed on companies house. Photo's of cars look like they were taken on land near a residential property. Sussex Defenders is linked to Surrey 4x4, online, where vehicles are being advertised on websites. Looks to me like Sussex Defender is a 'brand name' linked to Surrey 4x4.

I would act with caution if it were me as I can't find a legal path to Sussex Defender being a registered business or part of one. Even if it's TA trading as, it would normally say so. I'm not saying they're dodgy. It looks like a sister setup. It may be one of 'those' sole trader settup's. Problem is there's no recourse in law against a business seller unless yer buying from a business. They have a lot of valuable vehicles advertised against Sussex Defender. If I were buying or selling to them I would want them to provide documented proof of who they are first. A business would normally be happy to provide such detail if asked.
l would advise you to visit them in person, and see what the business looks like.

lf you see a Land Rover that you like, get an independent inspection/HPI and if that comes back good you should be okay

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