
Active Member
Just thought I'd share with you guys that I upgraded my Nanocom (original) today to the latest version (1.08) and was able to program the suspension remote I got of ebay 18 months ago!

It all works now, so very pleased. The old version only let you program slots 1 & 2 for keys, so its great now those other slots (3,4 & suspension) can be used.

If anybody needs one programming and is in the area, drop me a PM, I'll be happy to help you out.
Thanks for the help last week Ben, going up and down like a good'un now.

Still don't know why the headlights don't work though. Neither does anyone else by the looks of it.
Your more than welcome, I'll try the curtesy headlights option on mine at some point when I get a spare moment and see if I can get to the bottom of it.
Your more than welcome, I'll try the curtesy headlights option on mine at some point when I get a spare moment and see if I can get to the bottom of it.

If you,re trying to enable the courtesy headlight function with no sucsess, then you have a similar problem to me.

It seems that niether Nanocom or Hawkeye is able to activate it on my car, despite the function being selected in the programming section.

I,ve heard of a few cases now where this just cant be selected.


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