Gentlemen ...please remain calm ..all is well
I Colin Macdonald declare truthfully that i whilst of sound mind ( apart from owning a p38) do solemnly swear that i will overhaul my gremlin infested air suspension and will never ever whilst in the presence of my own lungs consider a spring conversion under any and all circumstances

Colin Macdonald

can you all be my friends again ..we were getting along so well
And, FWIW, the ride on air is just better, more refined, not "bouncy" ...... plus, you get an absorbing hobby keeping it up to scratch.
The P38 was designed to have EAS, a coil version was never mooted by Land Rover and from the outset the P38 was designed to run on air - as such if the new MOT rules are applied next year, >

Hope I haven't buggered mine up by putting diesel in twice a week.


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