
New Member
I have a 98 300tdi, i recently changed the springs and shocks for brit part heavy duty items and gas shocks, ever since then if you hit a bump or pot hole with the front end at any speed the suspension seems to violently po go and you have to fight the steering. The faster the more violent the reaction. The vehicle also wanders alot now. is there anyone out there with simular problems or any ideas how to stop it happening.
sounds like the shocks are poor and need replacing and you have other wear issues ,check all steering joints ,panhard rod and bushes etc
Hi thanks James, i hope its not the shocks because they cost me enough! the ones i removed were shot and these (supergas) ones seemed much better. The car drives better apart from the violent movement and the wandering has been geting progresivly worse. I also replaced the steering damper with a super gas one at the same time.
ive fitted alot of them as well as others and upto now havent had any faults but you can get genuine faulty parts as well, you shouldnt have paid too much full 4 springs and 4 shockers are about £200,check the rest of car as said and try with steering damper removed
hi thanks again, that is roughly what i paid so i will check the other bits you refered to. A friend said to me that it could poss be the swivel joint preload that needs adjusting, ill get under it tomorrow and have a good look.
check swivels as you would for wheel bearings with wheel jacked up and checking for movement helps with 2 of you,they shouldnt have play but there not tight like series or early defenders

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