
New Member
L322SC, 2005, VIN: 6A00-onwards.

Only had the car two weeks (see my intro post) and FNS strut tore wide open on Tuesday night with no warning :mad: . I'm 300 miles from home in Tyneside, but managed to limp to a backstreet garage that could fix it yesterday.

Anyway, back on the road with 4 air bags operating and ride comfort, etc all OK. I'm not sure of all the faults that the garage cleared but the car is now very high at the front end and when I hit about 30mph, it displays the warning "Air Suspension Inactive, Normal Height Only". When I stop and turn off the ignition, the fault disappears and I can adjust up / down to all 3 heights OK and quickly. There are no height indicator warnings on the 4x4info page of the TV screen.

After lots of reading (in work time!) I think the way to go is get myself an IIDTool (not sure if BT is worth the extra) and try to recalibrate myself.

My question is, should I drive 300 miles home on Friday like this (system all seems OK but I'm more worried about the stance than the warning message) and wait for the IIDTool to be delivered, or should I get it checked here at a cost before I set off for home?

I think I've done as much as I can up to now without advice, and I can't find a similar thread (lots with the same title though!) so thanks in advance guys.

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Thanks for the confidence vote for driving:). I'll take it steady - don't worry!

I thought AllComms too because I prefer the PC interface rather than the car's display, but I'm sure I read that it's only for VIN up to 5A999999. I can't find that reference now though :confused:, am I wrong?

Also, I can get an IIDTool more quickly from UK supplier. Once I'm home though I won't need to use it next week, so I guess I can wait.
All Comms is only up to 5AXXXXXX (2002-2005 BMW derived variants only)
I'm in East London (Plasitow) but regularly around Corringham if you wanted to a go on an All comms.
I'm in East London (Plasitow) but regularly around Corringham if you wanted to a go on an All comms.

I'm travelling again next week, but by plane so won't be about, so thanks for the offer. Hopefully the IIDTool will show up while I'm away and get everything fixed. If not, I'll give you a shout as Corringham's not a bad run for me and I could double it up with something else.
I just thought it might be interesting to see if AllComms could communicate with the body and suspension modules.

Anyway safely home and parked up for the week now. Ride and handling fine and, strangely, no air suspension warnings today but still looks wrong!
I'm travelling again next week, but by plane so won't be about, so thanks for the offer. Hopefully the IIDTool will show up while I'm away and get everything fixed. If not, I'll give you a shout as Corringham's not a bad run for me and I could double it up with something else.

Where are you flying from?
I'm in Beds and have a hawkeye, I can't calibrate it for you but can view live data and reset any faults for you :)

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