
New Member
Hi how much shouuld I pay for a new one inc fitting its on an 05 plate and is still working but not effective enough.
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Compressor is around £300.00 retail. I would suggest someone is having the **** taken out of him.
Hi, If you are asking to have a new compressor put into an L322 and installed, I can do it drop me a message for more information.

I stripped my own and fixed it.
Hi, If you are asking to have a new compressor put into an L322 and installed, I can do it drop me a message for more information.

I stripped my own and fixed it.
Read the thread title - he says Sport....
In that case i have quoted the wrong compressor cost new retail would be around £500.00 plus fitting. :D:D
Time for some new glasses then Tony...:D:D:D:D

(we have all done it, and those that say they haven't are lying...bit like masturbation!)

whats goin on here then ?????????? are they all comin out of the closet ?????? wammers !!!!!!! cmon tony spit it it out ha ha ha , i know ive not been on here for a while but at least the humours still going strong , oh sainty congrats to you n wifey on your recent aquissition hope baby and mother both doin well lots of love to them ,xxxx and data glad to see your keepin everyone in check !!!!!! oh i hope you get your sport eas sorted soon kind regards mozz

whats goin on here then ?????????? are they all comin out of the closet ?????? wammers !!!!!!! cmon tony spit it it out ha ha ha , i know ive not been on here for a while but at least the humours still going strong , oh sainty congrats to you n wifey on your recent aquissition hope baby and mother both doin well lots of love to them ,xxxx and data glad to see your keepin everyone in check !!!!!! oh i hope you get your sport eas sorted soon kind regards mozz

Yeah i have to admit to being a Lesbian, i love women. :p:p:D:D

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