
Hello All!
Since I got my 52 plate Disco 2 Auto, I have noticed a very rough bumpy rear end suspension.
Air suspension is in great working order and shocks appear to be ok, judged by my test which may be wrong.... I rocked the vehicle and it settles out again in 2 or 3 mini wobbles and I can hear the shocks decompressing.

So I looked at the watts linkage, wow..... corrosionnnnnn hell! Please see the images! Also there is a strange oil leak to the front of the vehicle in the last image.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated on how to rectify this, or decide which parts I need.
Thanks! Merry Xmas!

pictures upload

AND..... :(

With the state of the underneath, I would be having a serious look at the rear of your chassis from the front of the back axle rearwards.
I would be very surprised if your chassis doesn't need any welding
to check for play in the linkage,its best to hold each link in turn whilst someone rocks the vehicle sideways vigorously
Wow surely mine aint that bad??

Are the poly watts linkages any good? DIY repair or garage job?

What does a broken linkage look like? Do the pics not show if its ok or not?
I cant really make much out from your photos.
The Watts is quite easy to remove, make sure you use plus gas or similar on the threads
Here's a write up on the job Linkage Bushes.html

I cant make out your other photos either, its the chassis you need to check
Here's one I rescued 2 years ago
Theres a second hand one I can buy on the bay... £65 delivered, full assembly. ?
hould I wire brush my entire underside and spray with some Tetrosel Woxoyl?
At £65 it would be worth buying it and replacing the bushes and bearing before fitting and then you can sell yours on.
Problem with the chassis is, it also rots from the inside out
Wow surely mine aint that bad??

As @biggeeeee said - we can't tell from the photo's - it needs looking at underneath in the right places. ( and the thread I linked to was showing you some of the right places - Biggeeee's pics show some more places )

IMHO, forget the watts linkage until you know what state the chassis is in - its the biggest single weakness on a D2 IME
We've got a spare linkage on the shelf, ready for one of our three D2's when they need it.

Bushes aren't a bad job to renew but they aren't cheap as already mentioned.

Our D2 was built in Nov 1998 but still got through its MOT this year with no corrosion advisories, no advisories at all in fact.


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